I used see success stories and think, "It was so easy for them, they had (fill in the blank) working for them." I have learned that I was seeing the success and never the struggle that came along with the success. Obstacles will either make you or break you. It is up to me to decide which way I will allow the obstacles in life turn out for me.
No one wakes up in the morning to find themselves successful. So what is different for certain people? Why is it that the same obstacle can destroy one person's efforts and pay off big time for another? I found one thing when talking to people about this...resiliency.
When I say that successful people are resilient, I mean they really don't live in the past. Learn from mistakes, don't make those mistakes again, and then move on. This is a process I have been working on for myself in the last 3 weeks. I tend to dwell on mistakes and have a difficult time moving forward after making them. Mistakes are going to be made, it's how we handle them that separates successes from failures. Find the successes in your life and find a way to duplicate it.
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