Sunday, October 21, 2012

The 6 P's

I was reminded of a quote that my husband used to say to me, "The 6 P's, Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance."  I think that it was a military thing.  However, it is ringing true to my life right now.   I have the week planned out now.  So all I have to do is stick to the plan and I will be successful.  Back on track and feeling good!

I went running at one of my favorite paths this morning for a quick 2.5 mile run.  I love the Summit County MetroParks!  We are so lucky to have so many parks and trails to chose from. Today's run was much easier than yesterday.  It only takes one "hell run" to make me feel better and get back on track!  I am always amazed the way the body adapts so quickly.

I have been getting all my food ready today.  I decided to make Chipotle Honey Chicken instead of the chicken salad.  The recipe is posted on the FOOD! page.  I am happy to say that I am more comfortable in the kitchen and can get more creative when cooking.

This is a picture of today's beautiful view-

Saturday, October 20, 2012

First run...sucked, but the next one will be better.

Today's run was almost as horrible as I expected it to be.  So why did I go running if I knew it was going to be horrible?  
1.  I will sleep better.  Since not running sleeping has not been going very well.
2.  I feel better.  This is not magic, it just is what it is.
3.  It helps lower my stress levels.
4.  It helps relieve my allergies.  (this may sound odd since I run outside, but I swear it works for me.)
5.  Sweating makes me feel good.
6.  I want to be healthy
7.  I have a fit and hot husband and I want to keep up with him.
and the best of all...
8.  Only one run will suck this bad if I keep myself on track!

So after all of that I went out and sweat it out today! 

Here's a running tip.  This is a picture of my new running shoes.  I have issues with ankle stability, the sales associate gave me this little tip for tying my shoes.  It was an easy adjustment and makes a huge difference in my runs.  Most, if not all of the people in the running specific stores are actually runners, and they are always eager to share upcoming runs, new products, and running tips with you.  All you have to do is ask! 
Please share any tips or motivation to get moving that you have picked up along the way with your running journey.  I am always interested in your feedback!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Off the wagon...and back on again.

I have to confront myself here...I have fallen off the wagon!  I have fallen and haven't gotten back up.  I have been over a week of garbage eating and minimal workouts.  I would like to say that I was seriously ill or something.  However, my excuse is I am sucking right now.  I could blame it on the allergies, the weather, the darkness, but the truth is it is just my head.

Tonight I have made the decision to get myself back on track.  Grocery shopping and food prep has already begun.  I purchased a new pair of running shoes last weekend.  I have decided rain or shine I will be putting them on and logging my first miles in them.  It won't be much towards my milage for the week, but I am back on track.

This week's menu consists of:
Raw veggies
Chicken salad
Broccoli and cheese soup
Bacon and egg paleo bites
Primal Banana muffins
Cucumber salad

This array of food choices should keep me back on track for this week.

This article here helped get me back on track.  If you have a minute to read this article you will be surprised at some of the "healthy" food choices that you may be making that are not so healthy for you. Let me know what you think.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Time to Change Things Up

Holy soreness!  I left everything I had on that 7.5 mile run.  Saturday I had pain and soreness in my right hip, Sunday it went down to my knees and ankles, and today my calves are a little tight.  I couldn't even put on a pair of heels for work today.  Stretching has become my new friend.

However, I sucked it up and went out to whittle away at that 300 mile goal.  I am officially over 100 miles of it.  I had a relaxing run on the towpath with my Monday Run day buddy.  It felt good to get out there and just run without a goal.  I am also having daily meltdowns about the upcoming winter months.  I have not really figured out a workout plan yet, but with the shorter, colder days here to stay for a while I know I need to decide soon.  I will not be able to run after work soon.  After talking with Eric about this he said, "Never thought I would hear you say that you like running and want to continue this much."  I had to agree!