Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Staying in Control

A little slide backwards over the last few weeks.  I have been having trouble sleeping, heart palpitations, excessive sweating, and "female issues".  All of these things added up to a diagnosis of Thyrotoxicosis.  What this means is my thyroid gland is over producing the hormones.  I had always thought that it meant that I would loose a bunch of weight and loose my hair.  This is not always the case. There are many symptoms to hyperthyroidism.
I am sharing this because I am going through the process of additional testing to help me decide what the proper treatment will be for myself.  The testing should also conclude what is causing my thyroid gland to be overproducing the hormones.  I have been very lucky to have a group of physicians working with me that are willing to give me all of the treatment options, pros and cons to each of them, and then giving me the option to choose my treatment.  I get to stay in control.  I really like that.
We are very lucky to live in a time that we can jump on the internet and research our medical issues.  I have been able to do plenty of research.  The key is to know what the worst case may be, but to focus on the best case and start from there.
I am really having issues with the thoughts of going through iodine radiation treatments to kill my thyroid without attempting other options first.  It seems killing it is the most common treatment chosen.  I truly feel that I should try medication and dietary changes first.  So I have already began the dietary changes with a low sugar diet while waiting for the test results.  I took action and so that I can control of my own outcomes.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Breakthrough, Finally!

Breakthrough!  I have finally completed a WOD and felt good!

Tonights WOD consisted of plate snatches and up downs, suicide sprints and finished off with a 2k row.  This was one of the few workouts that I went through that I felt strong and competent.  I am hoping that this means I am finally getting more comfortable with my strength and my abilities.

I was able to even come home and eat the dinner that Uncle Cave Man (this is what our niece has dubbed my husband) made for us.  Steak, mangos, plantains, and baconado.  Pretty awesome paleo dinner to eat right after a great workout.

Check out the recipe page for One Skillet Squash and Sweet Potato Hash.  This is an great recipe to make ahead of time and just warm up for breakfast.  Throw an egg overtop of it if you have some extra time or need more protein.  ENJOY!    

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Crossfit is amazing...and burpees still suck

Tonight's lessons at Crossfit=Crossfit friends are motivators and will help you to do things that you never thought you could do, and burpees still suck.

Tonights workout was a deck of cards.  Each suit represented an exercise, squats, pushups, situps and burpees.  Our team of 3 had to complete all reps, the value of the card, before getting a new card from the trainer and moving on.  Our score was the total number of reps completed in a set time, 3 rounds.  Somehow my husband trainer gave us every card that represented the pushups and burpees in the deck.  Well maybe not, but that is what it felt like.  I also think he found a slight bit of pleasure as I choked back the vomit when he told us, "12 burpees" toward the end of the workout.

I joke about the WODs, but it is all worth every bit of sweat and effort that I put into Crossfit.  I walk out of the gym with a completely different attitude then when I walked in.  All of the stressors that have found their way into my day seem to disappear and I have a complete sense of accomplishment.  One of the mantras that I have hanging in my bathroom is, "My body is getting stronger every day."  This is how I have always wanted to live my life.

I don't know remember if I have shared this, so forgive me if this is a repeat.  I did try Crossfit about 6 years ago.  There was only one Box in Summit County and my husband would follow the WOD posted on the main site at the local YMCA.  I decided to try it with him, I made it through two workouts, puked my guts out and vowed to never do it again.  It has been 11 months from the time a friend talked me into trying Crossfit again and I stepped foot into a Box.  I truly feel that I am stronger and more confident in myself than I have ever been.  I feel very blessed tonight to be able to call Crossfit Utility my Box.

Monday, February 4, 2013

10K Training is Under Way

The lovely smell of bacon cooking for my Baconado may be the most lovely smell there is after my run today.  Today was the Day 1, Week 1 of Ease into a 10K.  Not too bad.  I felt pretty strong today and it breaks up the monotony of treadmill running.  This is a 10 week program so I will be finishing up around the time that the weather breaks here in NorthEast Ohio and I can start running outside again.  I have been checking out races for 2013 and trying to decide which ones I want to sign up for.  I am so excited that the Winter is half over and Spring is right around the corner.

This weeks food includes Golden Cauliflower Soup, Sweet Potato/Squash Hash, Dill Veggies, Lemon Rosemary Salmon, Turkey Legs, Mango-Plantain Steak and tonights Bacon mashed into avocado (one of my favs).  I found the hash especially nice for breakfast, as I just have to heat it.  No morning cooking.  I have all of these recipes "Pinned" under Paleo Food.  I will add them to the blog this week.  I will also be making bone broth out of the turkey thighs/legs this week in the crock pot.  I am super excited as this is the first time I will be attempting making my own broth.