Saturday, December 21, 2013

Tastes Can Change

Today I went to a coffee tasting.  Who knew that coffee was alot like wine?  I didn't!  There are different aromas, flavors and bodies to the coffee depending on how the bean is roasted, how it is brewed and what the temperature of the coffee is when you drink it.  It was very informative and interesting.  I also liked drinking it black.  The only thing I really knew before this, was that I was drinking fair trade coffee in my home and that it was a middle priced coffee.  I had no clue what grind to use or how best to enjoy it.  I am so glad I got educated!  I can enjoy my coffee much more now!

I have been working on different recipes for my challenge starting in January.  I will be following a weight loss plan and working to drop a few pounds to get ready for my half marathon in April.  The goal is to drop 1 minute per mile off my time.  That is 13 MINUTES!  Pretty big goal and weight loss is necessary to make it happen.  I will blog about my journey of sugar detox and low carb in the next 2 weeks.

I also only have 10 days left to complete 25.8 miles to accomplish the 300 miles since August 1st.  I set out to do it this year and need to get moving.

Also check out the newest recipe posted to the Recipes! tab.  I added Miss Molly's Chimichurri recipe.  Tonight I used it on Gluten Free pasta and Chicken.  It is delish!  Here's a picture of dinner.

Don't forget to check out the Fav Products tab as well.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are back! I will try to keep watching for your posts.
    Merry Christmas. Margarette
