Monday, February 17, 2014

Stop Searching and Start Creating

I have been remodeling my bedroom recently.  I found a sign and I had to have it.  It reads, "Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."

How many times do you find yourself searching for something?  Maybe it is motivation.  If I could just find the motivation I would be able to achieve X.  Maybe it is a job.  If I could just find a job I love, it would be X.  

I have discovered that those things cannot be "found".  They need to be CREATED.  I realized that I have the opportunity everyday to
1.  Create peace for myself
2.  Create a loving environment for myself
3.  Create my own motivation for what I am going to achieve
4.  Create my goals and work towards them everyday
5.  Create my own health

It's a new beginning each day and BIG things can happen in a matter of 24 hours.  There is no need to keep searching for something that cannot be found. What will you create for yourself today?  There's still plenty of time.

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