I am recommending the brand doTERRA. It is Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade that can be applied topically to the skin or ingested. Make sure to do your own research. Here are a few of the things I found the most useful to know about peppermint oil.
Alertness and endurance-when ingested or used topically so you get the aromas of the oil it can increase your alertness and revive you in a mid afternoon slump.
Antioxidant-it has natural antioxidants that will get into the bloodstream by applying directly to the skin (it absorbs within 26 seconds) or ingesting it in tea, a beadlet, or infused in water.
Cold Sores and Fever Blisters-apply a small amount directly to the sore. It has anti viral properties that will help.
Constipation and diarrhea- it can be applied to the abdomen or ingested to help both.
Fever-its natural cooling properties will help reduce the body temperature.
Heartburn-apply topically to the chest or ingest.
Hot flashes-again the cooling properties.
Lactation-apply a small amount to breast and massage and will increase lactation.
Nausea, motion sickness and vomitting-Inhale it until you can ingest it.
Ticks-apply to the tick and it will back out within a matter of minutes.
Sciatica-massage into hips and work into lower back.
When ingested the side effect is GREAT BREATH! Who could argue at least trying it out to see if it will help?
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