Tuesday, January 14, 2014

MLM Business Opportunities.

Why in the world did I choose to be a part of a MLM business?  
You may be asking yourself what the heck is a MLM business?  Simply put it is a Multi Level Marketing business.  This means I have products that I sell that are not available to purchase anywhere other than a distributor like me.  I have been to many "home parties" and I have always loved the products that I purchase from them.  The products are usually superior to their counterparts sold retail in stores and malls.  I am a jewelry junkie and love Premiere Jewelry.  I use Scentsy in my home on a daily bases.  I have used Xango.  I have tried Skinny Wraps through It Works.   
I had my own party with a Health and Wellness company called Arbonne that blew me away!  I used the Clear Advantage skin care that cleared my adult acne and drank these things called Fizz Sticks that gave me sustained energy throughout my day.  The entire line is gluten free and vegan?!?!  I had to learn more!  I went to an opportunity meeting where I learned the commission plan and how the levels of promotion work.  Well, I was sold.  I couldn't believe that there was an option available to me that would actually allow me my dream...to be my own boss!  
So here I am with these amazing products for sale and an opportunity for anyone that wants it to be their own boss too.  What an awesome responsibility.  I have sat on the sidelines as I learned what this company could provide me and have watched other distributors promote and be able to actually quit their full time jobs because of the income they began earning.  I am now working to create a team of incredible, motivated people that want to be in control of their own financial freedom.  This is a dream of mine and now I am living it.  How powerful is that?!?! 
If you are interested in more information about this opportunity please contact me.  

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