Thursday, January 31, 2013

Diet, Questions, and Books

This week I am having issues with hunger.  I am finding that I am incredibly hungry at the end of my workday.  This is not a good thing because I workout in the evening.  I cannot eat an entire meal before going to the gym without it ending up on the gym floor.  So, for next week my focus will be on getting in the fat and protein earlier in my day and hopefully this will help the hunger pangs from creeping up on me at 4pm.
I have had a few questions via my Facebook account and I thought some of them were worth sharing here.  This is in no way professional medical advice-this is just what I have found to work for me.  Also, if I endorse a product I am not getting paid in anyway for it.  I have just found that the product works for my lifestyle and helps me.

1.  Digestive issues with switching to Paleo is common, usually constipation.
Most Americans' are deficient in Magnesium.  I have found a product called Natural Calm.  I get mine at Earth Fare Markets or Seven Grains, but I am sure it is available in many stores and also through this link to Amazon.  My favorite flavor is the orange.  
You can also attempt to absorb Magnesium through the skin via Epsom Salt baths.  However, I have not found it to be as effective at helping digestion as the Natural Calm.  But it is nice to soothe sore muscles.

2.  Does everything have to be organic or local?  
This is my own personal opinion, I like to support the local economy so I choose to purchase local when I have the opportunity.  It is not necessary to do, just follow the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen lists to know what you should spend the extra money on and buy organic.
It is also good to eat antibiotic, hormone free meats.  I choose to also get the grassfed variety when it comes to my beef/bison.

3.  Is this a gluten free diet?
Yes.  This is free of all wheat products.  You may have them in moderation.  (I cannot due to my intolerance to it.)  However, if you follow the 80/20 rule you can absolutely have wheat as a "cheat meal".  It will not disrupt anything unless you have an intolerance to it. 

I am currently reading Primal Blueprint and I am waiting on my ordered book Practical Paleo to get here.  I am finding a love for educating myself on more of the medical "side-effects" that going Paleo has to offer.  Already, I experienced the dramatic change in my insulin and cholesterol.  So I am looking forward to really working hard to tweek my diet and see what other benefits I will have.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Numbers Game

Last year in January I had my annual physical, this also included blood work.  When I got the call in 2011 that my fasting Total Cholesterol was 245 and that my fasting blood glucose was in the 90's I was a little worried.  Neither of these are bad enough for a diagnosis or medication intervention, but it was a warning that they are getting into dangerous levels.  This was not a path that I was prepared to go down at the age of 30.  I was completely embarrassed to be receiving that phone call, and I kept the results to myself.

So where are they now you ask?  My Total Cholesterol is now at 195, breaking that down my LDL is 76, HDL 119 and triglycerides at 76.  My fasting glucose is now 74.  All of which are in the OPTIMAL range!  That is in just 10 months of changing over to a (mostly) Paleo Diet , joining a CrossFit gym, running, and quitting smoking.

I appreciate being able to slip into a smaller pants size every morning, but this is a much greater reward than skinny jeans.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Cleaning Up My Life

I am working to clean up my lifestyle this year.  This includes actually cleaning the clutter out of my house and attempting to live with less chemicals in the home as well.

Here are a few things I have started with.

1.  Coconut Oil as a hair conditioner and in shower moisturizer.  (Only a very small amount is needed)

2.  White vinegar and warm water to clean countertops and wood/tile floors.  This also works to get pet stains and smells out of rugs and carpets.

3.  Baking Soda and vinegar to clean shower and toilet.

4.  Coconut Oil with baking soda mixture for facial exfoliation.

5.  My mother gave me a fabulous hand cream made from beeswax and coconut oil that also doubles as a lip balm and sealant for wood.

I am working to add in different ways to use chemical free things into my daily lifestyle.  I am open to ideas and suggestions that you may have for me. Please comment with any of the ways you have cleaned up your lifestyle.  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Preparing for the Week Ahead

I am still dealing with Sciatica.  I been rotating ice and heating pads all day.  I also slept for 13 hours last night.  I think that the sleepless nights this week I had, fighting the back pain caught up with me.  I will be taking tomorrow off from at least weight training, we will see how I feel about walking or running by the end of the workday.  I did give into cravings today and bought a snickers bar and my personal fav Lawson's chip dip and Ruffles chips.  (I think it made me feel a little better.)  I am sharing this because it is a lifestyle change that I have made this time.  Not a diet, so I have many days that I don't eat 100% Paleo, as well as healthy foods 100% either.  We all have our vices.  I have found ways to incorporate them into my life rather than make them a regular part of it.

Although we normally cook and eat Paleo in our household, I have decided to change it up and make a few different foods.  We are having a recipe that I found on Pinterest called Armadillo Eggs.  It is cheese stuffed sweet peppers wrapped in burger and cooked in the oven.

Also, the beef that we purchased is AWESOME!  I was able to watch them finish up the process of cutting steaks and make the burger too.  It is very interesting.  I touched the gigantic tongue and the massive cow heart.  Very cool process to see.  I also got to see the other cows that they are raising and the chickens on the farm too.  It was interesting to see how what I am consuming lives and then how it is prepared for me to eat.  

In addition to the beef I made GF low carb Mock Mac and Cheese.  It is still "clean."  I purchased hormone free, organic cheese and Half and Half to make the recipe.  It is cauliflower rather than macaroni.  I have made this recipe several times and have changed it up to make it to my liking.  Here's the link to the original recipe, you can change it up according to what you like too.

So this week I will be paying extra attention to the diet since I will not be able to workout at the intensity that I have been going at.

I hope you all have an amazing and healthy week as well!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Don't Buy Food From Strangers, Local Farming is in.

Sciatica...this is something that I have struggled with in the past.  It is the compression of the sciatic nerve that runs down the leg.  For me it effects the right side.  I have not had a "flare up" of this in about a year now.  I honestly believe that it is due to the increased exercise and mobility.
As for my workouts... well that's not quite been an option for the last 2 days.  I am resting and stretching with the exercises that my physician gave me.  My goal is to not let this "injury" be the excuse for me to stop or give up like I used to do.  This is just a slight change in my schedule and type of workouts that I will be doing over the next week.

Good news on the diet front.  Since starting the 8 hour Diet, I have lost 3 pounds.  I am taking in the exact same amount of calories and working out the exact same amount of times a week.  The only change is I eat only within an 8 hour period throughout the day.  I have been successful at this 3 days a week for 2 weeks now.  I have found that I am able to focus better during workouts on days that I do this.

Another fun thing that my husband and I have decided to try for the new year is focus more on local food.  We have found friends to split a large purchase of beef.  I have the freezer cleaned out and ready to go for all of the steaks, roasts, kabob meat, and ground beef that we will be picking up tomorrow.

We are also looking into a CSA (Consumer Supported Agriculture) This will allow us to support a local farm and pick up weekly or every other week a bundle of the harvested produce that the farm produces for the week.  I am very excited about both of these ventures.  We are supporting the local economy while keeping our kitchen healthy!  It's a WIN-WIN.  In the Akron/Cleveland area there is a great group called The Countryside Conservancy.  This is one of the largest groups that brings local farmers together with their communities.  Countryside Conservancy is responsible for the farmers' markets in the Akron area.  If you are in the area here is the link to their website.
This will tell you where all the markets are held, times, dates, and which local vendors are there.  Pictured below is the Tshirt that I purchased from them about 2 years ago.  Purchasing any of their merchandise goes to help support local farming.  The website also includes merchandise and educational opportunities as well.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Burpee Hell

Burpee: This workout begins from the standing position, move from flat on the ground to jumping off the ground and clapping hands overhead.  This is how to perform a burpee.

However after the 100 I did tonight I am pretty sure I missed a few overhead claps.  That was horrible!  It was 16 minutes and 6 seconds of burpee hell.  The first 15 felt good.  But by 75 I was feeling the dizzying effects of falling to the ground and quickly jumping back up again.  I honestly didn't think that I wound get through the next 25.  My trainer (AKA my husband) came over and asked what number I was on.  As I gasped for breath I told him I didn't think I could finish.  He so sweetly said, "But you are three quarters down.  You can do this.  Keep chipping away."  
So that is what I did.  

I am however finding that burpees are a little contradictory.  I am doing them so that I can wear a mini skirt, however my bruised up knees do not look good in one.  

A new goal by the end of the year to be able to complete burpees without bruising myself.  

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tips for Recovery

I am loving a rest day today.  Holy Moly!  My body needs to work quickly to catch up with the work I am doing.  My arms are still a little sore and now my legs and butt are feeling the pain of yesterday's jumping lunges.
At my annual physical with my doctor, he gave me a few tips that I would like to pass along to all of you about recovery.  (I was complaining about the soreness and lucky me, my physician is also a CrossFitter.)

Recovery Tips:
1.  NO ibuprofen!  It is easy to think that an anti inflammatory will help.  Check it out, I googled it and found that it hurts more than helps.

2.  Hydrate.  Make sure to take in plenty of water all day, every day.

3.  Protein, it was recommended that I have it within 30 minutes of my workout.  I am going to begin having post workout shakes to get it in.

4.  Stretching AKA mobility for those of you that do CF.  One of my favorites is a LaCrosse ball for the shoulders.  YouTube has a ton of tutorials that I have found helpful.  Foam rollers are also a great way to stretch out.  I like them best for my legs and lower back.

I hope that these tips can help me adjust quickly and help me meet my goals for the year!

Pictured is my LaCrosse ball.  I use mine almost on a daily basis.  I suggest keeping it up if you have dogs.  Mine seem to think it is a toy for them.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Struggles, Soreness and Supportive Friends

Have you ever had a day when you really just did NOT want to go to the gym?  Well today was my day.  My triceps and chest are still pretty sore.  I had a rough time getting into my coat this morning.  How do I stay motivated?  This has been a question that I have asked myself for years, and why I failed at so many programs that I have done before.  Not this time.  I have a secret weapon to keep myself committed this time.  Not one, but two people that know my schedule and keep me committed to what I am doing.  Neither of these people would make me feel bad for failing or put me down for having a bad day and not showing up.  What these two people WILL do is genuinely care if I miss a workout, check up on me, and remind me why I want to continue.  They both want me to be successful.

I also learned a tough lesson tonight.  While attempting to lift heavy weights overhead I will fail--DROP THE WEIGHT.  This is not something that I am comfortable doing.  Dropping the weight is a normal thing in a CrossFit gym.  This is something that I need to get comfortable with as I get stronger.  I am not really sure how to do this.  Suggestions are welcome.

Tonights workout:  Clean and jerks, sit ups and jumping lunges.   It was worth going to the gym tonight, even if my legs are burning now.  Thanks to all of you that read my blog and support me as well.  It means so much to me!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 3 Was A Little Rough.

Today was the third consecutive day of intermittent fasting.  I had a terrible headache during the entire morning.  Even after my first meal at noon the headache lasted until about 3pm.  I am not sure if this is due to fasting since I did not have it the other 2 days.  So I am going to be on a regular day tomorrow.  I have only had hunger pangs once and it was right before my first meal yesterday.  Other than that this plan seems to be working.  Time will tell when I do my weekly weigh in Saturday morning.

On the fitness side of things, does the queasy feeling after finishing a WOD ever go away?  Please comment/answer this question for me below.  I have been through countless WODs and I am finding that the queasy feeling always follows.  I first have a feeling of delight that the workout is complete, but that is quickly followed by a feeling of "Oh dear heavens I think I may vomit."
1.  I hate vomit, this is kind of a phobia for me.  I seriously HATE it.
2.  I HATE vomit!
However, I am beginning to think that this is a feeling that I need to embrace, no matter how much I hate it.  Besides, I have not actually done it, I just feel like it.  It lasts for about 30 minutes and then I feel fabulous again.

Today's workout was pushups, dips, pull ups, and hang snatch.  If my shoulders work tomorrow I will be impressed.  I did find my max snatch today of 70lbs.  I am so happy tomorrow is just a run day.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Underestimating Self=New PR +80

Today was about finding my maximum weight for deadlift and back squat.  Prior to today my PR for deadlift was 120lbs and I never have found my max for back squat.

Deadlift=200!  That is 80 over my last PR and 40 over what I expected to get.
Back Squat=145lbs.  That is a few pounds over what I currently weigh.

So it appears that I will need to adjust my goals for 2013, since we are 6 days in and I have crushed my first goal of deadlifting my weight.  So my adjustment will be break the 200lb barrier.
After finishing all that work the workout was 5 minutes row 750 meters and as many single jump ropes as possible in the remaining time.  Seems easy enough right?  Good thing it only lasted 5 minutes because that was rough.
I am beginning to believe in what multiple trainers have told me at the gym, "You are stronger than you give yourself credit for."
Today was what I needed to help me adjust my attitude and push myself a little harder.  I will achieve my goals this year!  Heck, I am beginning to think that I can do this all in less than the 12 month goal I gave myself.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The 4 Week Jump Start

Day 1:
Today is day one of a four week jump start.  It helps that the motivation at the end of four weeks is one of my best friend's wedding.  The goal here is to drop 5-10lbs, improve my focus, and gain strength in the next four weeks.  The plan....well here it is.  

The 8 Hour diet.  This is intermittent fasting.  I will eat only within an 8 hour period every day, leaving 16 hours to fasting.  I will continue with my Paleo lifestyle for most of it.  However, I am including 4oz of greek yogurt and multi seed crackers that contain rice flour daily.  After reading the book I am shooting for a minimum of 5 days a week to follow the diet.  If I get accustomed to it quickly then I will attempt the full 7 days a week.  I am hoping to make this a lifestyle change as well and continue to follow the 8 hour diet 3-5 days a week for life.  It seems easy enough.
Today was not difficult at all.  I got up and went to the gym.  Broke my fast at noon and will be able to eat until 8pm.  I won't lie my belly was a little loud while I ran on the treadmill, but it wasn't anything that was too terrible.  

Three days a week are now dedicated to CrossFit, instead of two.  This will be my strength training.  Three more days will be running.  This will leave me with one rest day per week.  I am currently running at the YMCA, but soon enough I will be able to get back on the trails.  I seriously cannot wait for that to happen!  I am a big wimp and I am terrified that I will slip on the ice or something, so indoor running is what I need to do.

That is it.  I am hoping that these few small tweaks to my diet and exercise will help me bust through this weight loss and strength barrier.  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Goals, New Attitude.

New Year=New Attitude.  I have been giving myself a little break since running the 7.5 miles in September.  That is until I ran into a CrossFit friend while at work about a month ago.  She was able to talk me into coming to classes again.  I felt a little out of place considering I had really not been regularly attending classes to focusing on running.  It did not take long to feel the welcoming feeling that I remembered.  I was halfway into my workout and ready to vomit when I heard a voice tell me "Keep it up."  I am still not sure who that was, but it was exactly what I needed.
I have committed myself to 3 days a week at CrossFit.  I also decided to make myself a list of goals/achievements that I would like to have for 2013.

1.  Deadlift more than I weigh
2.  Unassisted pull ups
3.  Drop 5 minutes off my 5K

I have learned since my race that I work best when I have goals set.  If I do not give myself goals I will not have anything to keep myself accountable.

Todays WOD worked on my weaknesses.  Chest to Bar, V ups and kettlebell swings.  I am not sure that there will ever be a day that I say "Wow that was easy", but someday I hope to say, "Wow that wasn't as bad as it used to be."