Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Numbers Game

Last year in January I had my annual physical, this also included blood work.  When I got the call in 2011 that my fasting Total Cholesterol was 245 and that my fasting blood glucose was in the 90's I was a little worried.  Neither of these are bad enough for a diagnosis or medication intervention, but it was a warning that they are getting into dangerous levels.  This was not a path that I was prepared to go down at the age of 30.  I was completely embarrassed to be receiving that phone call, and I kept the results to myself.

So where are they now you ask?  My Total Cholesterol is now at 195, breaking that down my LDL is 76, HDL 119 and triglycerides at 76.  My fasting glucose is now 74.  All of which are in the OPTIMAL range!  That is in just 10 months of changing over to a (mostly) Paleo Diet , joining a CrossFit gym, running, and quitting smoking.

I appreciate being able to slip into a smaller pants size every morning, but this is a much greater reward than skinny jeans.

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