The lows of day 2 began a little earlier in the day. Today I felt the low about 2:30. I started feeling like I was moving in slow motion and unable to move any faster. This may have been from having to eat my lunch at 11am due to a non eating lunch meeting that I had. My wacky schedule can be a help or hinderance when it comes to diet and exercise for me. So I chugged down some green tea instead of my usual pick me up of diet coke in the afternoon. It actually helped. I felt good until I walked in the house and found a pile of dog vomit to clean up. I had enough energy to unload the dishwasher, cut up some fruit for my husband (that I will not be eating), and get ready for my first CF Endurance class.
Those same feelings from the first time I walked into a CF Box last year came over me as I walked up to the doors. Excited and nervous. I hope I don't puke in front of everyone. Well I didn't puke, but I did fall to the floor the second the 40 minute time was up. The WOD was an endurance version of Annie with 400 meter runs mixed in. I have to admit that this is what I was looking to do with my endurance. It is a little mix up of running and CF. I am pretty excited to see where this program will get me to in the next 4 weeks.
I am nervous about tomorrow. Reading over some blogs and FB posts from people that have done this detox before it sounds like most of them struggled days 3-8. I am going to prepare myself for a successful day tomorrow and remember that this is to better myself.
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