Thursday, April 24, 2014

Giving Back

Giving back to the community I live in is a major goal of mine.  Here's a way we can all help a woman feel special on Mother's Day.  Help me make a big difference in the lives of others.  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Parabens=Bad for You

"Health starts on the inside."  We all have heard that what we eat is how healthy we will be.  Have you heard of parabens?  This is a product found in many skincare products.  Since skin is our largest organ it absorbs the parabens into the body.  It is a suffix and would be found on a label as Methylparaben, Propylparaben, ect.
Parabens have an estrogen like effect on the body.  The terrible thing about parabens is it is found in 99% of breast cancer tissue.  Now I don't know how you feel about that number, but I have changed my mind about what I use.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

5 Tips To Be Successful

1.  You need to find yourself to be successful.
We create ourselves.  There is no book that you have to find that says what you are supposed to be doing.  You write your book as you go and add to it what you want.

2.  Everyone has to like you.
While it is nice when people like you, you do not need it to be successful.  You need to add value to others'.  That's it.  If you add value to the lives of others, they usually will like you anyway.

3.  When you get something specific, life will be successful.
When you look a certain way, get the job, get rich, or find that significant other your life will not magically change. You must love yourself where you are today and success will be inevitable.

4.  Being a procrastinator to avoid failure.
The number one reason most people procrastinate is fear of failure.  Failure is a part of success.  You will not always succeed.  And if you never fail, you are not pushing your limits.  Try something scary.

5.  You went to school and you don't have to learn anything else.
Being a constant student will make you more successful.  You are more marketable if you learn something new and stretch yourself.  If you don't have time to sit and read a book, try audiobooks.  Get out of your comfort zone and learn something new.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Metabolic Syndrome and Noninfectious Disease

Metabolic syndrome is the root of many health concerns.  It is linked to not only diabetes, but also heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, cancer and arthritis to name a few.  I am not an expert in this.  I have only done research that has educated me on the role my sugar cravings have for my personal health.  "If one was to Google hyperinsulineamia along with any noninfectious disease you will find a strong correlation to any of them."~Robb Wolf.  This is true, I tried many things and continuously came up with some correlation.
I heard it best put as, "I am a vegetarian that eats animals."~Vinnie Tortorich  Many people see I am "Paleo" and think that I eat bacon, nuts, and coconut oil.  That could not be further from the truth.  My diet actually consists mostly of vegetables, then healthy fats, and a little meat.  My goal with Paleo is to remain as healthy as I can be and reduce risks for pain from degenerative disease.  What is your goal with the Paleo lifestyle.

Flank Steak and Miss Molly's Chimichurri

Try this chimichurri recipe over grilled flank steak!  Serve with sweet potato and/or veggies on the side for an amazing dinner.  

Miss Molly's Chimichurri
1c Olive Oil
2-3 Cloves garlic (I like garlic I used 5)
Shallot or half onion
1 bunch cilantro
1 bunch italian parsley (I had to use curly)
2 T vinegar
2 T lemon juice 
Salt to taste
Puree all ingredients together in a food processor or blender until smooth

Friday, March 28, 2014

Obstacles Will Either Make You Or Break You

I used see success stories and think, "It was so easy for them, they had (fill in the blank) working for them."  I have learned that I was seeing the success and never the struggle that came along with the success.  Obstacles will either make you or break you.  It is up to me to decide which way I will allow the obstacles in life turn out for me.

No one wakes up in the morning to find themselves successful. So what is different for certain people?  Why is it that the same obstacle can destroy one person's efforts and pay off big time for another?  I found one thing when talking to people about this...resiliency.

When I say that successful people are resilient, I mean they really don't live in the past.  Learn from mistakes, don't make those mistakes again, and then move on.  This is a process I have been working on for myself in the last 3 weeks.  I tend to dwell on mistakes and have a difficult time moving forward after making them.  Mistakes are going to be made, it's how we handle them that separates successes from failures.  Find the successes in your life and find a way to duplicate it.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

New Supplement Review

I am going to come clean here.  I am always skeptical when trying a new supplement or wellness product.  I think that most products claim that they are going to change my life and they don't end up living up to the claims at all.  So, when I was told to try the Clear Advantage Skin Care Supplement I was skeptical, but I have had such great results with the skin care line that I figured I would try it.

I started taking the supplement on 6 days ago.  I really wish I would have taken before pictures, because it works!  I had a cystic spot on my cheek for about 3 months now, it is totally gone.  I also have hormonal acne that creeps up on me during each month.  Well it's supposed to be this week.  I have nothing going on with my skin this week.  It also does not have a weird after taste that I have experienced with other supplements.

This is seriously so easy.  It is a pill that I take each morning with my regular vitamins.  It is loaded with extra zinc, Vitamins C and E.
A few things that Zinc is good for other than clearing up your skin.
1.  Treating chronic diarrhea
2.  Memory and learning
3.  Regulating immunity
4.  Wound healing

With all these added benefits this supplement will continue to be a part of my daily routine.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dairy Obsessed

I am completely obsessed when it comes to dairy.  I love cheese, butter, milk, sour cream and ice cream.  This goes back to when I was little.   My Grandma Anna and Grandpa Oscar used to take me for vanilla ice cream at the local ice cream stand near their house every summer.  There was always a slap of butter on the table at every meal.  I also remember drinking buttermilk while sitting on Grandma's counters learning how to make some of her favorite recipes.  You read that right thick, creamy, yummy, BUTTERMILK!  My grandmother will be 91 years old this year and she still drinks buttermilk and eats butter on a regular basis.  So I looked to see if there is something behind this.

Our bodies cannot absorb some vitamins without fat.  Vitamins A and D in milk are just a few.  Consuming full fat dairy has been linked to cardiovascular disease and stroke.  It is also great for weight loss/weight control.  Let's face, it nobody is craving that rubbery stringy texture of fat free cheese!  So knowing that it will not make a difference in weight loss no one should eat the fake stuff.

Check under the FOOD! tab for two new recipes using full fat dairy!
The buttermint recipe is to die for!

Celebrate Success No Matter How Small

I can sometimes get wrapped up in failures that I have experienced.  I think that I am among the majority when I say that.  Why is it that we focus so much on what still needs to be accomplished?  Why do we have so many excuses as to why we can't achieve what we want in life?
Here's a few tips for how I remind myself each day that I am successful.

1.  Take a few minutes before bed to write out tomorrow's to do list.
2.  As you accomplish things on the list cross them off (iPhone's have a list with checks)
3.  Create a dream board.  As you accomplish those things take them off or put a circle around them and replace it with a new goal.
4.  Celebrate small successes for yourself.  You can celebrate making the bed when you wake up, making a call to schedule that appointment you keep putting off, getting to the gym, ect.

I am currently working on a new dream board as I have already accomplished many of the things on my last board.  I highly recommend making one for yourself so you can remember why you are doing whatever it is that you are doing to get yourself there.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Stop Searching and Start Creating

I have been remodeling my bedroom recently.  I found a sign and I had to have it.  It reads, "Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."

How many times do you find yourself searching for something?  Maybe it is motivation.  If I could just find the motivation I would be able to achieve X.  Maybe it is a job.  If I could just find a job I love, it would be X.  

I have discovered that those things cannot be "found".  They need to be CREATED.  I realized that I have the opportunity everyday to
1.  Create peace for myself
2.  Create a loving environment for myself
3.  Create my own motivation for what I am going to achieve
4.  Create my goals and work towards them everyday
5.  Create my own health

It's a new beginning each day and BIG things can happen in a matter of 24 hours.  There is no need to keep searching for something that cannot be found. What will you create for yourself today?  There's still plenty of time.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Don't Forget The Skin: Our Largest Organ

Many people work hard to purchase healthy options and non-GMO food for ourselves and our families.  I work hard to nourish my body with quality ingredients.  Until recently I did not realize that this included my skin.  Skin is the largest organ in our bodies.  Whatever we put on our skin absorbs into our body in 26 seconds or less.  Don't believe me?  Put a crushed piece of garlic between your toes, you will taste and smell it within the 26 seconds.  Go know you want to try it.

Many of the products that I was using contained parabens.  What is so bad about that?  99% of breast cancer cells contain parabens in them.  It is also linked to infertility in both men and women.  It has estrogen like qualities and confuses our hormones.  United States standard allows over 1,000 chemicals that are banned in Europe.  

Mineral oil is the second most aging thing for the skin, (the sun is first) it creates a barrier and doesn't let your skin breathe.  So why would the cosmetic industry put this in their products?  It's cheap.

The next cheap thing that is added is rendered products.  If you are vegetarian you want to stay away from this.  This could be listed as tallow, lauric acid, or stearic acid (among many others).  This is animal by product that is added as a cheap filler.  The average U.S. woman ingests 5lbs of rendered product in her lifetime.  If the product was safe that would be fine, but most of the rendering comes from road kill, large meat processing plants and euthanized animals.  So there is no telling what kind of chemicals, antibiotics and hormones that could be in the rendered product.

If you would like information on products that do not have these ingredients in them feel free to email me at  I will get you information.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

If Coconut Oil Won't Fix It....Try Peppermint Oil

I have been getting kind of nerdy on oils and natural remedies lately.  A quote often heard by my close family and friends when they have something wrong is, "Coconut Oil fixes everything."  While I still believe that coconut oil is majorly underused for a host of things, including skin care, anti fungal, and great for cooking, I have been introduced to peppermint oil recently.  I was introduced to it because I have been suffering with digestive issues.  I wasn't sure if I was catching a bug (peppermint oil is a natural anti viral), or if I was getting the IBS issues that I had before going gluten free.  I was willing to try it and see what it could do for me.
I am recommending the brand doTERRA.  It is Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade that can be applied topically to the skin or ingested.  Make sure to do your own research. Here are a few of the things I found the most useful to know about peppermint oil.

Alertness and endurance-when ingested or used topically so you get the aromas of the oil it can increase your alertness and revive you in a mid afternoon slump.

Antioxidant-it has natural antioxidants that will get into the bloodstream by applying directly to the skin (it absorbs within 26 seconds) or ingesting it in tea, a beadlet, or infused in water.

Cold Sores and Fever Blisters-apply a small amount directly to the sore.  It has anti viral properties that will help.

Constipation and diarrhea- it can be applied to the abdomen or ingested to help both.

Fever-its natural cooling properties will help reduce the body temperature.

Heartburn-apply topically to the chest or ingest.

Hot flashes-again the cooling properties.

Lactation-apply a small amount to breast and massage and will increase lactation.

Nausea, motion sickness and vomitting-Inhale it until you can ingest it.  

Ticks-apply to the tick and it will back out within a matter of minutes.

Sciatica-massage into hips and work into lower back.  

When ingested the side effect is GREAT BREATH!  Who could argue at least trying it out to see if it will help?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

MLM Business Opportunities.

Why in the world did I choose to be a part of a MLM business?  
You may be asking yourself what the heck is a MLM business?  Simply put it is a Multi Level Marketing business.  This means I have products that I sell that are not available to purchase anywhere other than a distributor like me.  I have been to many "home parties" and I have always loved the products that I purchase from them.  The products are usually superior to their counterparts sold retail in stores and malls.  I am a jewelry junkie and love Premiere Jewelry.  I use Scentsy in my home on a daily bases.  I have used Xango.  I have tried Skinny Wraps through It Works.   
I had my own party with a Health and Wellness company called Arbonne that blew me away!  I used the Clear Advantage skin care that cleared my adult acne and drank these things called Fizz Sticks that gave me sustained energy throughout my day.  The entire line is gluten free and vegan?!?!  I had to learn more!  I went to an opportunity meeting where I learned the commission plan and how the levels of promotion work.  Well, I was sold.  I couldn't believe that there was an option available to me that would actually allow me my be my own boss!  
So here I am with these amazing products for sale and an opportunity for anyone that wants it to be their own boss too.  What an awesome responsibility.  I have sat on the sidelines as I learned what this company could provide me and have watched other distributors promote and be able to actually quit their full time jobs because of the income they began earning.  I am now working to create a team of incredible, motivated people that want to be in control of their own financial freedom.  This is a dream of mine and now I am living it.  How powerful is that?!?! 
If you are interested in more information about this opportunity please contact me.  

Friday, January 3, 2014

Coconut Oil Fixes Everything!

For those that spend any significant amount of time with me, they know I have 2 phrases that I use often.  "This is a game and I'm going to win." (This is a Bob Harper quote) Then there is my own..."Use some coconut oil.  Coconut Oil fixes everything."  From cooking, to itchy scalp, to cracked lips this is my solution for everything.

I honestly believe this.  I have a jar in my bathroom and a jar in the kitchen.  I even take it with me when I travel.  I use coconut oil multiple times a day.  Here are some examples of what I do with coconut oil and why I believe it fixes everything.

1.  Eye makeup remover-it is sensitive on your skin, but is an oil so can even remove waterproof mascara.

2.  Weekly scalp treatment-in the winter months I usually try to do this twice a week because I have very dry skin.  Massage it into the scalp.  Wait an hour and then wash hair as usual.  It will moisturize the scalp and stop the itch.  I have read articles that it helps strengthen hair and help it grow.  I am not sure that it is true, but I have noticed my hair is healthier overall since starting this process.

3.  Lip balm-hydrates and protects the lips, is free of animal by products and it doesn't taste too bad.

4.  Cooking-I use it as a grease for pans and dishes.  I also use it in recipes.  It helps regulate blood sugar and aids in digestion.

5.  Speaking of digestion-I add it to my coffee in the morning and helps alleviate acid reflux, constipation, and increases nutrient absorption in the gut.

6.  Skin-I use it as a moisturizer on my hands and legs in the winter months when I am very dry and itchy.  It can also be used as a fungal treatment on athlete's foot, diaper rash, and jock itch.

Moral of this story...if you don't use coconut oil already, you should start.  There are many more benefits.  I suggest checking it out for yourself.  Remember "Coconut Oil fixes everything."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Time To Tell a New Story

"Let go of cheating on your future with your past.  It's time to move on and tell a new story. " ~Shannon Kaiser.  

We all evolve and life changes.  Why do we hold onto the past?  I feel like my reason for hanging onto the past and not moving forward is fear of the unknown.  Rehashing it won't change my future.  

I still struggle with the right food choices or motivating myself to go to the gym.  If I feel I have "failed" in any way I struggle with getting back on track right away.  We get multiple times a day to change the nutrition and fuel that we give our bodies by how we decide to eat. (I cannot remember what book I read that in.)  I have at least 3 times a day to "get back on track" so why wait for the next day?  Next week?  Or next month?  

So, I am looking toward the future and not the past.  I can change the future any day I wish.  I will stay focused on life in the present.  

Time to tell my new story!