Sunday, October 21, 2012

The 6 P's

I was reminded of a quote that my husband used to say to me, "The 6 P's, Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance."  I think that it was a military thing.  However, it is ringing true to my life right now.   I have the week planned out now.  So all I have to do is stick to the plan and I will be successful.  Back on track and feeling good!

I went running at one of my favorite paths this morning for a quick 2.5 mile run.  I love the Summit County MetroParks!  We are so lucky to have so many parks and trails to chose from. Today's run was much easier than yesterday.  It only takes one "hell run" to make me feel better and get back on track!  I am always amazed the way the body adapts so quickly.

I have been getting all my food ready today.  I decided to make Chipotle Honey Chicken instead of the chicken salad.  The recipe is posted on the FOOD! page.  I am happy to say that I am more comfortable in the kitchen and can get more creative when cooking.

This is a picture of today's beautiful view-

Saturday, October 20, 2012

First run...sucked, but the next one will be better.

Today's run was almost as horrible as I expected it to be.  So why did I go running if I knew it was going to be horrible?  
1.  I will sleep better.  Since not running sleeping has not been going very well.
2.  I feel better.  This is not magic, it just is what it is.
3.  It helps lower my stress levels.
4.  It helps relieve my allergies.  (this may sound odd since I run outside, but I swear it works for me.)
5.  Sweating makes me feel good.
6.  I want to be healthy
7.  I have a fit and hot husband and I want to keep up with him.
and the best of all...
8.  Only one run will suck this bad if I keep myself on track!

So after all of that I went out and sweat it out today! 

Here's a running tip.  This is a picture of my new running shoes.  I have issues with ankle stability, the sales associate gave me this little tip for tying my shoes.  It was an easy adjustment and makes a huge difference in my runs.  Most, if not all of the people in the running specific stores are actually runners, and they are always eager to share upcoming runs, new products, and running tips with you.  All you have to do is ask! 
Please share any tips or motivation to get moving that you have picked up along the way with your running journey.  I am always interested in your feedback!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Off the wagon...and back on again.

I have to confront myself here...I have fallen off the wagon!  I have fallen and haven't gotten back up.  I have been over a week of garbage eating and minimal workouts.  I would like to say that I was seriously ill or something.  However, my excuse is I am sucking right now.  I could blame it on the allergies, the weather, the darkness, but the truth is it is just my head.

Tonight I have made the decision to get myself back on track.  Grocery shopping and food prep has already begun.  I purchased a new pair of running shoes last weekend.  I have decided rain or shine I will be putting them on and logging my first miles in them.  It won't be much towards my milage for the week, but I am back on track.

This week's menu consists of:
Raw veggies
Chicken salad
Broccoli and cheese soup
Bacon and egg paleo bites
Primal Banana muffins
Cucumber salad

This array of food choices should keep me back on track for this week.

This article here helped get me back on track.  If you have a minute to read this article you will be surprised at some of the "healthy" food choices that you may be making that are not so healthy for you. Let me know what you think.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Time to Change Things Up

Holy soreness!  I left everything I had on that 7.5 mile run.  Saturday I had pain and soreness in my right hip, Sunday it went down to my knees and ankles, and today my calves are a little tight.  I couldn't even put on a pair of heels for work today.  Stretching has become my new friend.

However, I sucked it up and went out to whittle away at that 300 mile goal.  I am officially over 100 miles of it.  I had a relaxing run on the towpath with my Monday Run day buddy.  It felt good to get out there and just run without a goal.  I am also having daily meltdowns about the upcoming winter months.  I have not really figured out a workout plan yet, but with the shorter, colder days here to stay for a while I know I need to decide soon.  I will not be able to run after work soon.  After talking with Eric about this he said, "Never thought I would hear you say that you like running and want to continue this much."  I had to agree!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


This week was a week of rest and anxiety.  I worked all summer long to get me to today.  I completed a 7.5 mile race with my relay team for the Akron Roadrunner Marathon.  I was anxious about finishing, the long steep downhill I had to do and the mile uphill at the end of the race.
Here's a play by play on how it went...
I waited for my team member to get to the relay transfer, it was freezing out this morning.  I tried to keep moving while I waited to keep the blood flowing in my body.  As soon as I saw Michelle I jumped out, hugged her and took off.
I ran through Akron U and there were plenty of crowds cheering for the runners, but as I crossed the Y-Bridge in downtown it suddenly got a bit quieter.  There was another area with plenty of people just before the steep downhill.  I said a little prayer and started down.  I made it!  It wasn't too bad at all!
Then I headed to the tow path...silence.  There were a handful of people for the longest stretch of my run.  I had to keep myself focused and was actually saying mantras out loud to myself.
You can do this.
This is what you have been training for.
Enjoy the moment.
Quitting is not an option.
As soon as I turned off the tow path I could see the exchange point ahead.  Only a half a mile uphill to finish.  I could hear my mom, dad and best friend Calee cheering for me.  I pushed through and met up with my team member James, we crossed my finish line side by side.  Then James took off to complete his run.
It was an amazing experience!  I finished in just under a 12 minute mile pace.  Not too shabby for a girl that quit smoking and found running only 5 months ago.  Next up...Turkey Trot in November and Santa Hustle in December.
Running uphill to my finish line.

The team...Guns and Races (that was our team name)
Me and Ginger in the front, Michelle, James, and Greg in the back.

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Bit of Motivation for Monday

I felt a bit of motivation for a Monday in order.  I am trying to leave no unfinished business when I finish a workout.

Guess what?!  It is working!  After no successes on the scale and feeling a bit discouraged, I found that I once again fit into single digit jeans!  I am also finding that my runs are increasingly easier  and I am able to add a bit of milage to or push a little faster.  Some of the weight I am using at the gym is crazy to me.

Tonight as I was running with my running buddy I realized that we were running and I was talking to her throughout almost the whole run!  I thought back to when we first started running together in April and neither of us could run 2 minutes straight and talk at the same time.  The body is an amazing machine that adapts rather quickly.

So this week as I get ready for my race I will train like my fitter evil-twin is chasing me!  Only 4 more miles to reach my 100!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Milestone Week! I Am Ready!

Yoga Day!  I was so excited for my first Yoga class.  WOW!  I will be doing that again.  It was relaxing and really helped stretch out all of my sore spots from yesterday's grueling workout.

After that I went for a nice 3.5 mile run with one of my relay team members, Michelle.  I am really ready for this race on Saturday.  I am getting a little anxious, so I need to find a few ways to calm myself down.  This week I have decided to make myself a playlist of songs for the IPod that I think will help me stay motivated through the 7.5 miles.  That should help a little bit.

I also did the rest of the cooking today, Paleo Cole Slaw.  You can find this recipe under FOOD! tab.  I also made Paleo Chipotle Slow Cooker Pork.  It is still cooking as I am blogging and it smells so good.  It does take 10 hours to cook so I am suffering not being able to eat it yet.

I am also really close to being a third of the way through my race to 300 miles.  I should hit 100 this week.  I haven't decided yet what I will do to celebrate that milestone.  Maybe a new pair of running shoes!  I am currently at an official 91.4.  So by the end of the week, I will run the race that I have been training for the last 4 months and complete my 100 miles since August.  Big milestones this week and I am ready for it!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

WOD for a Cause

I love that CrossFit allows me to be a part of something bigger than me.  Today I joined about 50 people at my Box in a fundraiser WOD.  The trainers organized it and named it after the amazing little boy and his family, that we were working out for.  I have only met the little guy once, but he certainly touched me in that one meeting.  It was an amazing experience.  I will be participating in more things like that.

Each station was 1 minute long 3X through

Power Clean
Wall Balls
Push Press
Knees to elbows
Box Overs
Total reps was the score.  I completed 194.

Then I can home and made the Deviled Tuna Eggs.  OMG!  This will be a repeat recipe for sure!  It is pretty easy and so delish!  I also tried out a Crab Bisque.  I am not posting the recipe because the ingredients are pretty expensive and I did not think that it is all that great.  However, if you follow me on Pinterest it is under the Paleo Food board.

I also picked up the cutest knee socks for the 3 girls on my relay team for next week!  Hot PINK!  I am getting excited for the relay.  This week is a little extra rest and lower milage to be ready for the run.  Tomorrow is Yoga and a run, along with finishing up cooking for the week.  I am really adjusting to the cooking on the weekends.  It really does free up so much more time during the week and takes out the guesswork on what to eat each day.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Life Happens...

Well, no running or Yoga tonight.  Instead I spent half the night on the kitchen floor with my dog Ava, both of us crying and all hysterical, and the other half at the vet.  We took her to the emergency room, because I could not figure out what was wrong with her.  She was crying, panting, and wouldn't let me near her hind legs.

So after she made a fool out of us in the waiting room while we wrestled to get her on the scale, they took her to the back to examine her and weigh her without us.  Somehow a 60lb dog (she has lost some weight since running with me) was stronger and more agile than both me and Eric.  Then she was able go to the back and as the vet described, "alligator roll the staff."  I am so embarrassed!

We never did get a clear answer on what was wrong with her.  The vet thinks it is a strained or pulled muscle in her back legs.  She is now resting comfortably at home and we have pain meds for her if she seems to need them.

But this does not help that I did not get my running in or the Yoga class that I was so excited for.  Instead I learned a big lesson in priorities.  My family comes first.  Yes, my dog is family to me.  It showed me that I need to be flexible with my workouts to allow for life.  Life happens, I will sometimes not be able to workout at the intensity that I am currently.  I instead need to make the most of the workouts I do have.  I will instead go to Yoga on Sunday and try to get in a short run tomorrow evening if I can.
And maybe all the hysterical crying burned a few calories tonight.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Some Days I Just Need to Rest

I don't know about all of you, but I tend to go stir crazy on rest days.  I know that it is just as important to rest and recover as it is to workout, but it is hard for me to do.  I feel as if I have been resting for the last 30 years so I need to make up for it with workouts all the time.

So instead of a workout I am doing my meal planning.  I am planning on Crab Bisque and Tuna stuffed Deviled Eggs for my lunches next week.  (I added the Crab Bisque recipe to the FOOD! tab)  I also took a bath in Epsom salts to help relax and recover my muscles.

Tomorrow I will be running and trying out Yoga.  I am hoping that if I incorporate Yoga into my workouts it will help me with focus and flexibility.  I am now 80 miles into my 300 mile race.  I am not quite on the target that I hoped to be, but it is helping me focus on my milage and goals.  This is good experience for me as a beginner runner to focus on increasing milage and tracking progress.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Will Not Let a WOD Break Me!

I am finding as I am getting further into my journey to health and wellness, that I have good days, I have bad days, and sometimes I have super shitty days as well.  

Yesterday was the latter of these.  I was fully capable of all the movements:  running, overhead squats, and burpees.  However, by the end of the first round it became a struggle for me.  I honestly did not know if I could physically complete the workout.  During the last 9 overhead squats, the trainer had to talk me through.  "Take a breath, snatch that bar up, strong shoulders, now squat.  Stay strong.  You can do this."  I figured if he believed in me, I should believe in me too.  I finished in 18 minutes.

It was absolute exhaustion.  I haven't felt that horrible in a workout since April when I started CF.  This then reminded me of "teachable moments."  What did I learn today?  I learned that the road to wellness is not always the prettiest.  It will not always be the easiest.  It will not always be the most comfortable. It WILL be the proudest, most rewarding, and inspirational journey that I have been on.  The tough workouts will make me better.  
A quote that my husband shared with me a year ago, "Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better"~Coca Crossfit.  That about sums it up right there.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

As I ran today, my mind was racing 100 miles an hour.  I have said before that I usually use this time to meditate, but I couldn't slow down and control my thoughts today.  I think that there will be many of you out there that can relate to this.  So here are some of the odd things that were going through my head as I was running.

I will be ready for this race in 2 weeks.
What was the name of that nurse I met yesterday at that one place?  (I never did remember her name or that one place.)
Why in the world did The Olde Harbor Inn close?  I really liked their shrimp and wedge salad.
Mmmmm...white french dressing sounds so good right now.
A cocktail sounds nice too.
Why am I sweating so bad and I am only 5 minutes into this run?
I wonder if botox would help?
How much does that cost anyway?
I need to google that when I get home.  (I did...way too expensive.  I would rather sweat.)
Don't forget to make a grocery list tonight.
Stay off Pinterest except for those recipes that you need for the list!
Seriously self...control the length of time you are on Pinterest tonight!
Wonder how Eric's classes are going at CrossFit?
Glad I decided to run, I don't think my mind would have stopped long enough to concentrate on class.
Am I striking with the ball of my foot?  
Yep! Oh good at least it is becoming second nature and I don't have to really focus on it anymore.

That was just a small portion of the 30 minute run tonight.  I don't know what has gotten into me. I need to find a way to slow the thoughts while I am running.  It was not a calm run for me at all.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Failure Is No Longer An Option

"Why fail when success is an option?" ~ Jillian Michaels.  I know I have posted her quotes before, but I really like her and this one is a favorite of mine.
Tonights workout was actually a workout until I failed.
10 Wall balls
10 burpees
Handstand push ups, or for me just handstand holds against the wall to help strengthen my wrists and shoulders.  I modified the push ups and used a box to do them.  I never thought I would still be able to do handstands, but I did it!
10 meter sprints.  Increasing by 1 per minute until I couldn't complete.
I ran to 12.  That was almost a half a mile in sprints tonight.

I hate burpees and sprinting!  Every time I do burpees I try to be aware of my form, but somehow I always end up with what I have dubbed as "burpee knee."  I bruise just my left knee cap every single time.  If anyone has a suggestion for how to fix this, please share!
I am learning that the only way for me to have the success that I want to achieve, I HAVE to stay out of my comfort zone and push myself.  I am getting better at this, and the trainers and others at the gym with me cheer me on and help me push through.  This is why I CrossFit is so crucial to me.  I am around people who want to help and see me succeed.
Don't get me wrong, I also enjoy my long runs alone too.  This gives me the time to sort of meditate as I run and I enjoy that just as much.  But I still need strength training and I am no good at doing it alone.  That is why I have failed at conventional gyms all of these years.  Since I have increased my CrossFit workouts over the last 2 weeks, I have actually been able to increase my running milage and also shave off a few minutes on my time of the shorter runs that I do.  I think that this plan is working.  I hope it pays off for the relay coming up.
As for the 300 miles that I am doing, I have completed 73.6 of the miles.  I cannot wait to reach mile 100.  I have decided that failure is no longer an option for me!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Make It Happen

"Don't wait for it to happen.  Make it happen."  Dolvett Quince from The Biggest Loser.

Little did I know that when I typed this quote into my phone back in January while sitting on the couch watching the show, probably stuffing chips or popcorn into my mouth, that I would actually use this as a mantra.  I have actually been thinking about this quote all day.  I have always had issues with staying motivated and sticking with anything diet or workout related.  I always have that initial motivation, but it seems to fizzle out a couple weeks in.  

So here I am 6 months in and still at it, so what changed?  Why am I able to actually do this now?  My conclusion mind.  I have always had the support from my husband, family, and friends.  It was realizing that I am worth it!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, No Run Day-CrossFit Day Instead!

Another Monday...except it was not a Monday Run day.  My running partner is under the weather and not able to run today.  Instead I went to CrossFit.

WOD:  Since I am not able to do double unders yet I had to substitute lateral jumps in the workout.
20 lateral jumps (jump over the barbell)
9 Power Snatches (55 lbs)
40 LJ
7 PS
60 LJ
5 PS
80 LJ
3 PS
100 LJ
1 PS

Yes that is 300 lateral jumps and the longest 19ish minutes ever!  I thought it would never end.  The weight felt heavier and heavier every time I pulled it overhead.  I was also getting frustrated with remembering all of movements of the Power Snatch.

However, this weird feeling comes over me every time I finish any workout...did I really give it my all?!  Could I have gone faster?  Further?  Heavier?  This is part of what it is all about for me!  Learning how to get out of your own head and as Nike says "Just Do It."  I am a work in progress and I will continue working.  I have come so far in the last 6 months and I will not settle for the mediocre life that I felt I was living.  I am not only stronger physically from the runs and workouts that I am doing, but I am also stronger mentally and emotionally.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Still Running...

Running, running, and more running.  I have been running a ton lately to get ready for this relay in 2 weeks.  This past week I was able to log just over 17 miles.  This week I was listening to a Jillian Michaels podcast that gave some running tips, so I am going to share.

1.  Strike like a ninja-I know this sounds silly, but I am actually doing this and have increased my speed on my last 2 runs.  This means hit the ground between the big toe and second toe.  Imagine clawing at the ground as you strike.  Try to make as little sound as possible.  If you are a heel striker the sound is loud.  When I fatigue I tend to be a heel striker.  It is all about paying attention to your form throughout the entire run. 

2.  90-this is the amount of strikes per minute per foot that you should have while running for the perfect stride.  If it is under this number the stride is too big and you should shorten it for optimum performance.

3.  Hydrate-when running long runs, hydrate with more than water.  I like the Vitamin Water Zero, but the G2 naturals or even coconut water are also good options.  No matter what you will be losing sodium and electrolytes in sweat so you will need more than just water for the long run days.

Another tip that I would like to add to this is, take care of your feet!  I have learned first hand that foot care is very important after having to see an Ortho-Podiatrist.  Keep your toe nails neatly cut, epsom salt baths or foot soaks, and foot lotion are all a part of being a runner.  I am quickly learning that this is my lifeline to continue running, so I must take good care of them.  I really like the Shea it Isn't So foot cream from Bath and Body Works for my legs and feet after every run.  

Last tip-find places that are beautiful and that are calming.  I try to stay as relaxed as possible from my jaw to my toes.  (I do a mental check every mile, is my jaw relaxed, my arms, my fingers, my chest, ect.) This is a picture from one of my runs this week.  I go to this spot at least once a week to run because of the beautiful views.  It makes my runs more enjoyable to be in nature.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thirsty Thursday has new meaning for me.

Thirsty Thursday has taken on new meaning for me today.  Instead of sitting on a deck at a bar I was running the park with my dog, Ava.  I wore my fuel belt.  I carried an 8oz water bottle for Ava, and 8 more for me. We got through all the water during our over 3 mile jog.  The humidity was killer tonight!  We I got back to the car I opened the mini cooler and put a cold wet cloth on my neck and another on Ava's belly.  We sat in the grass and finished off another liter of water together.  I don't think I have ever felt that thirsty after a run before.

Just a reminder to all of you runners out there, make sure that you are hydrating before, during, and after a run.  Especially if you are running distances in the heat and humidity.  Also if you have a running buddy like I do, they need to have the water too.  So I have to carry double when Ava goes along.  The cool cloth on her belly helps her to cool down faster and relax her breathing.  It is a tip that my vet gave me a few years ago.

I am already half way through my second liter of water.  Now to check out Pinterest and find some new and exciting recipes to try out next week!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Runs, WODs and PRs not a bad end to the day!

A beautiful fall day in Ohio required a run at the park tonight.  It was all I thought about while I traveled from appointment to appointment at work today.  I ran 3 miles through wooded trails as my warm up to a CrossFit class tonight.  I attended a class that my husband was training.  It took him believing in me and pushing me to an uncomfortable level to get through the workout with a PR.

Today's PR (personal record) back squat of 105lbs tonight!  I was so excited that it really didn't matter that the workout was.  Well until I got a round into it...

15 pistols (squat with one leg, scaled by holding a bar)
30 toes to bar (I scaled this to knees to chest while hanging on the pull up bar)
60 double unders (scaled to 200 single jump ropes)
15 minutes AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
I completed 3 rounds with 8 additional pistols.

By my last round of jump rope I was getting tangled up because I couldn't jump my legs high enough off the ground anymore.  I could only complete 3 knees to chest at a time because my hands burned and my pistols turned to an ugly mess.   When I heard the word "time",  I was so relieved and dropped to the floor.  I DID IT!  With my lungs burning I stretched out and thought about how the body is an incredible machine when pushed to its limits.  I love the feeling I have when I get done with any workout or run.  It is an accomplishment that nobody can take from me.  It was a beautiful sweaty end to the day.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday's Tips

I have received a few questions regarding some of the ingredients in the recipes that I have been posting and I wanted to help make finding them easier.  My recipes will never have regular wheat flour in them.  The most used flours or meals that I use are coconut and almond.  I use Bob's Red Mill brand.  This can be found at most grocery stores in the organic or gluten free areas.
All of the nuts and seeds that I use are raw.  I get them in bulk at the local Earth Fare.  This is a chain that is all over the east coast.  It is similar to a  Trader Joe's type of grocery.  This is also where I get bulk almond butter.  It is cheaper, organic and I prefer the taste over the name brand kind.
I also follow the clean 15 and dirty dozen lists when purchasing produce.

Dirty Dozen:  Do NOT use unless it is organic.  These contain the highest levels of pesticides.

  • celery
  • peaches
  • strawberries
  • apples
  • domestic blueberries
  • nectarines
  • sweet bell peppers
  • spinach, kale and collard greens
  • cherries
  • potatoes
  • imported grapes
  • lettuce
Clean 15:  These are safe to have conventional/non-organic, they do not absorb pesticides or have them used on them at all.

  • onions
  • avocados
  • sweet corn
  • pineapples
  • mango
  • sweet peas
  • asparagus
  • kiwi fruit
  • cabbage
  • eggplant
  • cantaloupe
  • watermelon
  • grapefruit
  • sweet potatoes
  • sweet onions

I also purchase grass fed beef and organic chicken.  Earth Fare has coupon books every 2 months and weekly specials that make purchasing these foods a little more cost effective.  
Please keep the questions coming if you have them!  I love being able to help others find the same joy in healthier eating that I am finding for myself.  

Monday, September 3, 2012

Autumn Is In The Air

Labor Day marks the end of summertime for most of us.  I love the summer, but autumn is my favorite time of year.  This year I am looking forward to the cooler temperatures for runs rather than the hoodies that cover up my arms and belly fat.  So to officially bring in autumn I cooked myself a big pot of paleo chili, pumpkin pucks, and hiked 2 of the Summit County MetroParks Fall Hiking Spree trails.  Oh and then ended the day with a nice 3 mile jog.  I am going back to reality (after a fabulous 8 days in the Outer Banks) with work tomorrow so I enjoyed the most I could of my day.

For anyone reading this that lives in or near Summit County, the Fall Hiking Spree is a great way to find new trails to walk/jog.  There is a list of 14 trails and the participant needs to complete 8 of them to receive a hiking staff or a shield to add to the hiking staff if you have already earned one.  The program runs until November 30th.  My friend Erica talked me into doing it again this year.  We were able to complete 2 of them this morning.  One of them was a Parcours trail at Sand Run.  This is about a 1 mile hike with 20 obstacles mixed in.  This is a picture of me playing on the rings.

Check under the Recipes! tab for the chili and pumpkin pucks recipes.  

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Back to Reality

I have not posted recently because it was beach time!  End of summer every year I go to the beach with my husband and friends.  This year however was a little different then vacations in years past.  I took my running shoes and I actually ran!  Running on the beach at sunset is now my favorite place to run.  I really wish I lived closer to a beach so I could do that more often.  The ocean breeze and sand was amazing!  I also learned that beach running is absolutely tougher on the legs than road running.  
This week will start the final stretch of training before the relay run September 29th.  

Back to reality and going to the grocery store today.  The menu for this week is Paleo Pumpkin Oatmeal (not really oatmeal at all), Pumpkin pucks (this is a muffin), and I am trying stuffed cucumbers as well.  I will post recipes to the tab this week.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

This Is Only A Test

As I am sitting on the couch tonight with a sore throat and a slight fever I have a few thoughts that I would like to share.  As we all know I am still relatively new (5 months) to this lifestyle of fitness and healthy eating.  I decided that I would forego the run I had planned to do tonight to rest and make sure that I stay healthy.  This seems like it should be an easy decision to make right?  However, due to my past, this was increasingly difficult for me to do as it came time to go.  I seem to have traded one addiction-cigarettes, for another-running.  I also have the anxiety and dread that I will fall back into old habits and just not go tomorrow when I am feeling better.  I know that this is irrational fear in my head, however it is still a difficult thing for me.  I do NOT like to fail.

That being said, before this lifestyle change I experienced sore throats, ear infections, sinus infections, and bouts of stomach bugs on almost a monthly basis.  That is what I have playing over and over again in my head as motivation to keep moving forward and not slip back.  I have pretty much gone months now without any serious infections.

A quote I want to share, that I first read in the book The Secret...
"A man is but the product of his thoughts.  What he thinks, he becomes."--Mahatma Gandhi

This has made me think of the negative thoughts that I have put in my head for years.  I have worked hard to adjust how I think and give myself positive affirmations.  I am not 100% and today is definitely a test on my positive thoughts.  But it is only a test and and I intend to pass it.  

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I am stronger than I give myself credit for.

Canalway Classic 5K was yesterday!  My official finish time 36:24.  My goal was under 45 minutes so I was extremely excited with my time.  As I turned my last corner I saw Eric, my husband, waiting for me.  He finished up the last 200 yards or so to the finish line with me, encouraging me all the way.  Then as I crossed the finish, I was greeted with a high five and hug from my cousin Greg.  What an awesome feeling!  I felt on top of the world at that moment.  The emotions of beating the goal I had set for myself by so much made me realize that I sometimes grossly underestimate myself and my abilities.  This is something that I really need to work on in my workouts.  I am far faster and stronger than I give myself credit for and I tend to skate through workouts without pushing myself.  Don't get me wrong here, I am not saying that pushing to the point of injury or vomit is the right thing to do.  What I am saying is that there is an energy that I got from seeing the crowd and the faces of people that believe in me and I should always have that energy and drive.  I think that the 5K was exactly what I needed to be able to help push myself to the next level in my training.

I also accomplished 16.78 miles this week towards my 300 miles.  I am now in the 270s to finish. 

Today I will be going to pick out some new running/workout gear with the money from my birthday.  I never thought that I would be so excited to buy workout gear over a new pair of heels with my extra money.  It's crazy to me how much my life has changed since April!

Check out the "FOOD!" tab for this week's recipe from a blog that I love called "He and She Eat Clean"  It is Italian Stallion Chicken in the crockpot.  I like the easy throw it in and go recipes that allow me to be able to get in a workout or even blog while cooking!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Saving time with audiobooks while running!

Day 8 of the 300 Miles or Die race, I am down to 279.94 miles left to run!  I have been able to log in 11.66 miles so far this week.  I use an app on my iPhone called Map My Fitness. (available on iTunes for $2.99)  This app gives me distance via GPS, time, pace, and elevation.  Then it saves your workout for you.  This app allows you to track walking, jogging, interval training, and biking.  My favorite part of this app, there is a setting for voice notifications.  I have mine set for every 10 minutes to tell me the time, pace, and distance.  This helps me stay focused during my runs and allows me to have a tracking place to see my progress week over week.

Another thing I have fallen in love with while running is audiobooks and podcasts.  I download a book or podcast and then can listen as I run!  This is AWESOME!!  I just finished "Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It" by Gary Taubes AGAIN.  I am hoping that it sinks in a little more the second time around.  This is the book I read before I started following the Paleo diet.  It has a ton of research and information on why the Paleo or Primal lifestyle works and the health benefits of cutting the out sugar and grains.  If you are thinking about Paleo/Primal I recommend reading or listening to this book!  You will not be sorry.  Here's the link to the site I use for my audiobooks-  

Here's a picture of the trails that I have been running lately.  I have been trying the different trailheads of the Ohio Erie Canal Tow Path.  The majority of the trails are crushed stone and easier for me than road running.  I get nervous with all the traffic.

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Mantra Works

"I am a runner."  This is my new mantra.  I have been saying this to myself for 3 days now.  I went for a long run Saturday at a very slow pace.  (Long run for me was 5.3 miles) I repeated this mantra to myself throughout the run.  I was surprised today when I went out for my run and felt so good.  I think my positive self talk is working!  So my total for the week was 8.4 miles towards my 300 by December 31.

My birthday is this week and for my birthday my husband, Eric and I will be celebrating by running in a 5K in Navarre, Ohio.  This was per my request.  He is so supportive of me and my running and health goals.  I am realizing how lucky I really am to have this kind of support every single day.  He is my "live in motivator".  He asks me about my progress and actually cares about me meeting my goals and helps me stay focused and figure out what I need to do next.

As for the cucumber noodle salad...fabulous!  It is spicy and sweet, a perfect side dish in the summer time.  Cucumbers seem to be a crop that is doing well around this area as I am finding them on sale every where.  I even have co workers giving them away because they have so many.

A tip for the day.  I went to Chipotle tonight.  Usually this doesn't seem like a "diet friendly" idea.  However, I found a way to make it work for me.  I got a salad no rice bowl, and then loaded it up with salsa, chicken, and guacamole (this is healthy fat).  The salad comes with a tomato based spicy dressing to top it off.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Small Set Backs Enlighten Me

The last two days I have been plagued with charlie horses and cramping in my feet and calves.  This horrid cramping has kept me up at night.  I have taken 2 rest days to stretch, ice, and heal.  My husband Eric, gave me stretches to do that he used when he was running/training for a 1/2 marathon and was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis.  I guess I have pushed it a little harder than I need to.

This has been an eye opener to how I function sans sleep and exercise.  NOT VERY WELL!  I have found that both of these things have become very important for my daily life running smoothly.  I noticed a significant change in my mood and attitude.  My response to normal daily stresses was not what I have become used to.  I was irritated and on the verge of tears both days.  

Although this did allow me extra time to sit and be on my favorite new website Pinterest.  I have a new pin board called Paleo.  If you are a follower of me, many of my recipes are pinned to that board.  However for those of you not currently using that website I have added a new recipe to the blog.  This week I will be trying cold sesame cucumber noodles.  

TIP:  Eric and I cook the majority of our food/meals for the entire week on the weekends.  We have become organized and planned with our food.  We each choose what we will be making and add the ingredients needed to a shopping list.  We do all of our grocery shopping at one time.  This frees up many hours during our work week.  

I will be back to running tomorrow since the stretching and ice has been working for me.  I am hoping that this minor set back allows me to be even more focused.  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Only 296.87 miles to go!

It's a race!  300 miles by December 31st started today.  Even though my feet are sore from yesterday's sprints I pushed through a 3.13 mile run tonight.  I actually feel better since my run.  I am really enjoying my time being out in nature on the Ohio Erie Canal Tow Path.  Some of the areas are beautiful!  I was able to see 3 deer tonight and a bunch of chipmunks scurrying across the path in front of me.  I am finding that running outdoors rather than a treadmill is the key to me running.  I HATE the treadmill!  I have decided that this winter I will be investing in cold weather gear so I can continue my outdoor running.  However, I am hoping that that is a long way off.

For dinner I had a Chili Lime Chicken Burger (you can find this recipe under the recipe tab).  I am getting more creative with my diet and food options.  I am finding that I am enjoying things with a little spice.  Instead of a bun, I put my burger between 2 slices of tomato with some mashed avocado and spinach.  DELISH!  Then I just cut the rest of the tomato into chunks and ate that as a side.  

Another little recipe that my husband tried last night...BACONADO!  A little side note...I cannot cook bacon correctly.  I am not really sure what the problem is?!  The end result is always either undercooked and in the trash or burned to bits.  So I don't get to eat bacon (at least not burned, but good bacon) unless my husband makes it.  So this recipe is an avocado sliced and the pit removed and add bacon.  That is it.  A yummy healthy fat to add into any diet.  I highly recommend it if you are a fan of bacon and avocado.  The two together are amazing.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Running Gear I Use

I wanted to share this post run pic.  Around my neck is called a Chilly Pad Towel.  (You can buy them at Bed Bath and Beyond $14.99, there is also another brand sold at Target)  This towel is AWESOME!   I wet it, wring it out, and then wrap it around my neck during my run.  It is lightweight and tucks easily into the shirt to stay in place.  It kept me cool and wicks away the sweat!

If anyone is wondering what I am wearing around my waist it is called a Fuel Belt.  This one was purchased at Roadrunner Sports about $35.  It has a pocket for keys, 2 water bottles that clip into the back of it and it has an attachment that allows me to clip my dog's leash into it.  This allows me to run hands free when I have my four legged running partner with me.

You cannot see my shoes, but I am currently wearing Asics for running.  I go to a store called Second Sole.  They watched me walk/run barefoot in the store and were able to help me find my perfect fit.  I do suggest going and getting a professional opinion for your first pair.
If any of you have any "gear" or ideas please share!

WOD Morning

Good morning at 6am with some Partner Banded Wheelbarrow Walks.  Don't worry, I will explain this sadistic movement.  So my partner takes a band (the rubber things that you can use in place of weights) wraps it around my ankles and then lifts me up onto just my hands.  This doesn't seem too bad right?!  Well as I move forward and my partner moves with me the band starts to move.  Now my legs are shaking from left to right as I am attempting to move forward in a straight line.  Good times.

After that lovely warm up was 100m sprints 8X.  I actually enjoyed this, well as soon as it was over.  This was functional to speed training with my upcoming run.  However, with CrossFit I have found that the workouts are functional to daily life.  

Tomorrow starts the first day of my 300 miles group.  I am excited to see how this goes.  My legs are already a little tight after those sprints today so I am hoping for a good first day of the race to 300 miles.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A new format and blog with even more!

So for those of you that were reading my CrossFit 30 day challenge blog I have decided to try a new format.  Since the 30 days has been WAY over. This will be the new place that I blog my new paleo/clean eating recipes, workouts, and running training.

I have decided to focus more on running since I will be running the 7.5 mile leg of the Akron Roadrunner Marathon.  So this blog will be a way to keep all of the changes together and not just a CrossFit blog.  (I am still CrossFitting)

I have also joined a group of people in a challenge to log 300 miles of jogging/running between August 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012.  I will add my milage and let you all know how I am doing with that challenge as well.

As for today, I have put in a 4 mile jog.  Also I have cooked up some chicken chili lime burgers and homemade sweet potato fries.  Yesterday I made primal banana/walnut muffins.

My goal with this blog is to inspire and motivate myself and as many readers as I can get.  I am far from perfect, but I am working towards a happy and healthier lifestyle in my 30's than what I was living in my 20's.  I would love any feedback and followers that would like to help keep me motivated as well.