Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Do You Have Realistic Expectations of Goal Setting?

As many of you know I am not a "New Year's Resolution" girl.  However, I am a goal oriented gal that made a few goals at the beginning of 2013.  I try to look at these goals at least every other month.  (I should make it a goal next year to look every month!)  As I look at my list I am happy to cross things off, but I am seeing that there were many goals left to accomplish.  I don't think that I was very realistic at the beginning of the year in setting so many goals for myself.

I have accomplished a few things and I feel like I did them well.  I have exceed my goal for gardening this year.  Even though it was not as productive as I was hoping, I am glad I committed myself to this and will continue to have a vegetable garden each summer.  I also smashed my goal of running a 10K and completed a half marathon instead!  I exceeded my deadlifting goal by 5lbs.  For a whopping 205lbs!  I also committed myself to reading 5 books this year.  Well, after getting sucked into the Game of Thrones series I crushed that goal too.

I also realize that some of the goals have been started and not completed.  This list would consist of some home improvement projects, organization, and an unassisted pull up.   

Then I have my I never even started it list!  I won't bore you with the details of this list, but there were plenty of things that I put zero effort into and accomplished nothing.  

So what do we do when we set such high goals or expectations and do not accomplish them?  Did we really give ourselves a realistic time frame to accomplish the goals we set?  

Here's my strategy for 2014.  Those things that have been started will be a priority.  I am then weighing the effort vs payoff of the things I never started.  Are they really important to me a year later?  Many things can change in a year's time and most of those goals are no longer things that mean something to me.  

I for my final goal TODAY I completed the last of my miles...300 miles of running logged between August 1st and today.  This happens to be the goal that I did not finish in 2012 and I was determined to finish this year!

Monday, December 30, 2013

14 Tips for a Stunning 2014!

1.  Treat your hair right~You do not need to wash daily.  Rinse hair each day and then use a Paraben free shampoo and/or         conditioner when washing.

2.  Take your vitamins~We are not able to get all the vitamins and minerals that we need to consume daily, so resolve to take a good mulitvitamin every day.

3.  Repair the hair~Use a weekly hair treatment or mask to keep it healthy and shiny.  Healthy hair shows your youthfulness!

4.  Take a bath~Relax in a bath for 30-40 minutes with oils and salt soaks at least once a week.  Turn off the phone.  (I have dubbed this my Princess Bath)

5.  Make lips easy~Rather than using a lipstick that requires using a mirror, use a lip gloss or polish that will hydrate lips while you wear it.

6.  Drink more water~Many times we mistake needing to hydrate with hunger.  Drinking more water and less caffeine will help hydrate skin and hair.  It also will help with digestion.

7.  Moisturize~Use a hydrating night cream that does not use animal by products in it.  

8.  Use SPF~A daily moisturizer that contains SPF is great for everyday.  If you will be spending more time in the sun use a broad spectrum SPF for the body.

9.  Illuminate your skin~Add a highlighter to your daily make up routine.  It will give you a dewy, youthful look.

10.  Protect your hands~Hands will show age before your skin will.  Use a cream that is designed to be used on the hands to help protect them.  Also, wear gloves in the cold months, it will protect from extreme dryness, cracking and nail damage.

11.  Detoxify~Whether it's sweets, sodas, or processed foods we all benefit from doing nutritional cleanses.  It will help skin, hair, and over all health to clean up and edtoxify.

12.  Focus on your skin~Try a weekly sugar or salt scrub, dry brushing, and moisturizer for the body.  

13.  Exercise~Working out will help in many areas.  Find something you enjoy.  Find a 5K and train for it.  Try a Zumba, Spin, or CrossFit class.

14.  Smile~A smile is your best accessory.  This is a must to have on you at all times!

Here's to a STUNNING 2014 to all of my readers!


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Tastes Can Change

Today I went to a coffee tasting.  Who knew that coffee was alot like wine?  I didn't!  There are different aromas, flavors and bodies to the coffee depending on how the bean is roasted, how it is brewed and what the temperature of the coffee is when you drink it.  It was very informative and interesting.  I also liked drinking it black.  The only thing I really knew before this, was that I was drinking fair trade coffee in my home and that it was a middle priced coffee.  I had no clue what grind to use or how best to enjoy it.  I am so glad I got educated!  I can enjoy my coffee much more now!

I have been working on different recipes for my challenge starting in January.  I will be following a weight loss plan and working to drop a few pounds to get ready for my half marathon in April.  The goal is to drop 1 minute per mile off my time.  That is 13 MINUTES!  Pretty big goal and weight loss is necessary to make it happen.  I will blog about my journey of sugar detox and low carb in the next 2 weeks.

I also only have 10 days left to complete 25.8 miles to accomplish the 300 miles since August 1st.  I set out to do it this year and need to get moving.

Also check out the newest recipe posted to the Recipes! tab.  I added Miss Molly's Chimichurri recipe.  Tonight I used it on Gluten Free pasta and Chicken.  It is delish!  Here's a picture of dinner.

Don't forget to check out the Fav Products tab as well.  

Monday, December 9, 2013

Sugar Is My Nemesis

Ugh!  It's the holiday season.  Living in Ohio means it is dark, cold and dreary.  If it's not snowing, it's raining.  That is compounded by the exorbitant amount of sugar that is available to consume constantly. Sugar and I go way back.  I love the sweet treats.

I learned during my sugar detox back in April that sugar is a hinderance to my ability to function as a normal person.  It affects my sleep patterns, my hunger, my moods, my motivation, and worst of all my ability to focus.  So after learning that about myself, one would conclude that I no longer indulge in the sweet stuff right?  ...WRONG.  I cannot help myself.  I am a glutton for punishment I guess.

Sugar is something that I feel strongly about, I know how it affects me and I continue to consume it.   It is in almost every processed food there is.  I recommend reading Salt, Sugar, Fat by Michael Moss, if you want an inside scoop on sugar in processed things.   I have also recently started listening to a Podcast called America's Angriest Trainer with Vinnie Tortorich.  (warning this podcast is sometimes rated explicit, listen at your own risk)  It is about living No Sugars No Grains.  It is amazing to me that we are told that these things are needed in our diets.  In reality sugars and grains have no nutritional value that you cannot get from somewhere else.  They are unnecessary to our diets.

So why do I have such a hard time?  First, it is everywhere this time of year.  I cannot go anywhere without being offered something and I rarely can say no to it.  Second, it instantly gives me a "pick me up".  I feel great in the moments after consuming it.  Only to crash and consume more to get back that feeling again and again.  So my goal for 2014 get this sugar thing I have going on under control once and for all.  But in the words of Vinnie Tortorich, "Put a little life into living."  Meaning it's ok to have on an occasional basis, but it should not be a daily thing that I depend on.

PS.  For anyone interested I am pretty sure there is another sugar detox in my future.  Let me know if you are interested in joining.  I can send you the information on the plan I use.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Solo Run vs Group Run

"I have had runs go very bad, I have had really great runs, most have just been ok.  But I have never regret going out for any of my runs." ~Naomi Schukert

Running is a solo sport.  Most of my running is done solo.  I run the treadmill at the gym by myself or hit the road by myself.  However, there is something that happens when I run with another person.  All of a sudden I am able to push a little more in my training.

I found that talking about running in my daily life I was able to find others that enjoy it too.  This introduced me to a group of runners that meet twice a week with a training schedule for half and full marathons called Sole Crusaders.  Because it is a decent size group, there are all levels/speeds and I knew was bound to find someone with my ability that I could run with.

This morning was an icy 4 mile run with Naomi.  We ran a slow but steady pace that allowed us to chat a little.  She is an ultra runner.  I admire her determination to complete such large goals.  (Maybe someday I will be at that level.)  She encouraged me during the run, answered questions I had about training and was there to keep me moving forward.  Somedays it's nice to get out and run alone, but I have learned in my journey that I enjoy sharing it with others as well.

I would encourage you to find a person or group to share a run with and see what a difference it can make in your training.  I am very thankful that I did.

Also if any of you live in the area and would like to run with Sole Crusaders let me know and I will get you the information.  It is a great group of men and women.

Friday, November 29, 2013


Hello All.  I have been on a little hiatus, but I am back.  It is once again that time of year that I am running in the 300 Miles or Die Race.  I am on track to actually finish this year!  I have 210 official miles logged with the group.

I have also completed my very first half marathon 13.1 miles in November.  I have not felt more accomplished in my life!  I decided late to do it and only had 6 weeks to train, but I did it.  I am now working on training for my second one Spring 2014.

Here are some pictures from my first Made in America Half Marathon, Massillon, OH.

My biggest supporter
Talking me through mile 8.                           Mile 9, I was struggling.
 Running on the Tow Path mile 6ish.               Mile 3 still feeling good.

2:56:26 finish for my first half marathon with 6 weeks of training.  This was a huge commitment and accomplishment!

New Skin Care

What we put on our bodies is just as important as what we put in our bodies.  I have been on a 6 month trial with new products from Arbonne International.  I have a friend that was selling it and asked me to have a party.  I have had cystic acne for almost a year now after stopping hormones and have not found a product that could help.  So I jumped all in and purchased a bunch of products as a preferred client and received 20% off of everything.
Within one week of using the Clear Advantage line my acne was reduced.  I also did not have any new acne forming!  The products are Gluten Free and Vegan.  They are also botanically based so they smell great.  I have to admit that I didn't think that they would work.  They work!
I was so impressed with the product I signed up as a consultant of the product.  I love that they are Pure, Safe, and Beneficial.  Arbonne International is able to spend money on research and cleaner ingredients because it is a network market.  They don't have to advertise.  The products sell themselves.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Taco Salad recipe

We have been eating a ton of chicken at the house lately.  I am not really sure why I keep making it.  Tonight I couldn't bring myself to eat it for dinner again, so luckily we have plenty of beef on hand from our 1/4 cow purchase this winter.  I grabbed some ground beef, tomato, lettuce, and avocado.  I figured that I could find something interesting to make from what I have available in the house.  Here's what I ended up with.  The dressing was delish, and the beef was the perfect spicy flavor.  

Taco Beef
1lb ground beef
1/4t chipotle powder
1 t garlic powder
1 t onion powder
1T chili powder
Mix everything together and brown in a skillet.

Creamy Avocado Dressing
2 avocado
3/4 c. water
4 T. olive oil
2 T. lemon juice (I would start with one and taste it... I thought 2 was a little much)
1/4 t. Cayenne pepper or to taste
1/2 t. Garlic paste (can use garlic powder) 
2-4 dashes sea salt and pepper

I used a food processor to mix everything together, but you can use whatever you have available. If the dressing seems too thick, add some more water.  It will last about a week in a jar in the fridge.

For the salad, I used mixed greens, a whole tomato diced, a handful of diced onion and fresh cilantro.  Top with the beef and dressing.  I think a little salsa or peppers would have been a nice addition to the salad if I had it in the kitchen.  

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Here's What's Cooking

I am about ready to be done with the detox.  I am really missing eating fruit!  As I was grocery shopping last night I saw beautiful pineapples, mangoes, and strawberries.  I am going to dive head first into a fruit salad when I am done.  

I have been cooking today to prepare myself for the upcoming week and this weekend.  I have prepared Stuffed Peppers for the crockpot tomorrow.  Pizza Crackers are in the oven now and the sauce was just finished up.  Also buttery chicken thighs and bacon wrapped chicken thighs with a side of asparagus and a snack of prosciutto wrapped asparagus.  I was able to complete all of this cooking in just under 2 hours.  

I am learning that preparation of every piece of food that I consume is the best way for me to make sure I am getting the nutrients that I need to function daily.  It is a chunk of my weekend to make this happen, but I am worth it!  
Here's a few photos from tonight's cooking.  

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 11 and Bulletproof Coffee

I started my day off with a cup of bulletproof coffee.  (Here's a link if you would like to try it for yourself http://www.dailypercolator.com/food_ventures/bulletproofcoffee/)  It was amazing!  It was just as good as any fancy coffee house drink I get and it is a great way to start the day with some healthy fats.  My workday was fabulous and I almost forgot to eat lunch again.  I went to Chipotle and had a Chicken Salad with tomato salsa and guacamole only.  I honestly did not miss the rice, cheese, or sour cream that I would normally get.  I did have a hard time saying no to the corn salsa though.  I love that stuff and I was proud I had the willpower to not get it.

CF Endurance tonight was brutal and I loved it!  Kettlebell swings, squats, push ups, plenty of running, planks, and my nemesis burpees were all present in tonights workout.  After completing 94 burpees on the asphalt in the rain tonight I will be fine not seeing them in a workout for at least a week.  I am learning to appreciate the abilities my body has to push through more each week.  I am always amazed when I finish at what I have accomplished in one hour.

Tomorrow is grocery day so I need to get started on my list of things to try for my last week of Sugar Detox.  I have never enjoyed making a list and the daunting task of grocery shopping.  My poor husband has to drag me there almost weekly.  However, I am beginning to enjoy the process a little more knowing that I have been finding all these new and exciting recipes to keep it fresh in the kitchen.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Almost Halfway There~And Still Sugar Free

Detox Day 10 down and I am still going strong.  I noticed that I had a significant decrease in hunger today.  I actually almost forgot to eat my lunch.  I am not sure if it is from all the food I shoved in my face over the weekend or if I am really having a reduction because of the increased fats and decrease sugars in my diet.  Either way, it is welcome.  I felt as if I was stuffing my face all day for the first week.  I am also enjoying the green tipped banana over the green apple each day.  I look forward to eating it.

It was nice getting to the gym tonight to see a partner workout.  Especially after sloshing through the thunderstorms, puddles, and then coming home to a stressed out dog (because she is terrified of thunder.)  I laughed and enjoyed all the fun of tire flipping and piggyback rides while getting in a workout and de-stressing myself from the day.

I also finally found a recipe that I do not care for.  It was bound to happen with all the new things I have been trying on the detox.  Chocolate, Almond, Coconut Bites, YUCK!  They are dry and bitter.  I would like them better with a little bit of honey.

Only 11 more days left of the detox.  I am beginning to think that I may be able to have a different relationship with sugars when this is complete.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

One Week Complete!

I have made it a week!  I have been very careful to follow the 21DSD exactly.  I am feeling great today.  I have found my adjustments to make for the next 2 weekends.  I took the extra time that was available to cook special meals and snacks that I don't have the time to do during the week.  I feel like I lived in the kitchen all weekend.  I am looking forward to knowing what I am doing and what to expect this coming week.  I am prepared to take on the next 7 days!

Now that I am a third of the way through the detox I took some time to reflect today.  Here are a few things that I have learned over the past week.

1.  I no longer need Diet drinks to get through my day.
2.  Chocolate doesn't have complete control over me. (I am still having a hard time watching it on TV)
3.  Low carb takes a ton of effort and patience.  
4.  Sugar Detox headaches and lethargy SUCK!  I don't want to go through it again.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Finding New Weekend Activities

My trip to the farmers' market was busted when I realized I overslept this morning.  Instead, I went on a nice little jog.  First one of 2013 with my running partner and cousin Ginger.  It was great to get out and run on my favorite towpath trails again.  Although, running uphill and even worse downhill made my calves feel like they were going to explode.  Must have been from all the jumping rope I did this week.

Day 6 of the 21 Day Sugar Detox and I felt pretty good all day.  I had a cup of coffee this morning and then went the rest of the day drinking only water.  I did miss my iced green tea so I just brewed myself some for tomorrow.  I also talked my parents into letting me come over and cook dinner for them so I could make chicken and beef kabobs on their grill.  I am too lazy to drag mine out of the shed and I prefer the charcoal/wood grill that they have over my gas one anyway.  I marinated the chicken in olive oil, lemon juice and basil with a pinch of salt.  Then added onion, peppers and cherry tomatoes to the skewers.  The beef I marinated in garlic, onion powder, and olive oil and added the same veggies.  I am really getting used to having all this beef around and being able to make pretty much anything I want.  Mom did go to the market (even though my lazy butt stayed in bed) and had fresh lettuce and breakfast radishes and made a salad to go along with our kabobs.  I didn't feel like I was missing out this Saturday at all.  I thought it would be much harder since we usually go out to dinner on weekends.  I really enjoyed cooking a great meal that I could share with the family instead.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Rest Days Are Great Days!

My body must be thanking me for a rest day today.  I feel great!  I have so much energy, feel focused and alive again!  I hope this feeling lasts throughout the next 16 days.  

With rest days, well, they aren't really lay around the house days for me anymore.  It was shopping right after work.  On the menu this week:
Beef and Chicken Kabobs on Saturday night with the parents.  (hopefully there will be some leftovers)
Grilled Chicken Salad
Pizza Crackers with pizza sauce (OMG!  These are amazing I made them tonight.  Check for recipe in Recipe! link)
Golden Beet Chips 
Apples or Bananas with Almond butter
Hamburgers with sweet potato buns
Fresh veggies and almonds as snacks

I am looking forward to the farmers' market tomorrow to see what else I can find.  I also picked up the kit for my Square Foot Gardening.  I cannot wait to get in the garden and pick my own veggies this year.  I am still working out what exactly I am going to grow, but I have plenty of ideas!
What's on your menu this week?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 4 and 1 Mile Time Trial

Day 4 of no sugar was a little better.  I started the day having a hard time focusing, but I was able to get myself together.  The cravings are for the most part gone now.  I am nervous about the upcoming weekend since that is when I tend to do the least watching what I am eating.  So I am working on the grocery list tonight to keep myself in check over the weekend.

Tonight's CF Endurance workout started with a 1 mile time trial.  I was actually excited about it.  Finished in 10:10.  Not too bad since my goal is to get that under 10 this year.  That was followed by a two 7minute AMRAPs of wall balls and hand release push ups, and then burpees and sit ups.  Quickly realizing that it is intense and that I don't ever want to check the website for the WOD in advance because I will never go.  It's better for me to go and be shocked by it.  

I am so glad tomorrow is a rest day!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 3 Crushed Me. But I haven't given up!

Oh Day 3 I hate you!  I woke up with a killer headache that lasted most of the morning.  I was a little nauseous so I just drank some green tea and skipped breakfast.  I felt better around 10:30am and ate some almonds and jerky.  Lunch today was a burger with grilled onions plain, no bun and raw carrots and cucumbers.  I completely crashed at 3.  So when I finished work I came home and made 2 scrambled eggs and then took a 20 minute power nap in the recliner with the window blinds opened to let the sunshine hit my face while I slept.

I somehow got myself to CF.  Even not feeling the best today I got 3 65lb snatches and 1 70lb snatch, followed by 5 rounds of 400m runs and 5 wall climbs, completed in 22:09.  I am now totally crushed and headed to bed early.  I really hope that tomorrow will be a little easier on me.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Detox Day 2 and Some CF Endurance

The lows of day 2 began a little earlier in the day.  Today I felt the low about 2:30.  I started feeling like I was moving in slow motion and unable to move any faster.  This may have been from having to eat my lunch at 11am due to a non eating lunch meeting that I had.  My wacky schedule can be a help or hinderance when it comes to diet and exercise for me.  So I chugged down some green tea instead of my usual pick me up of diet coke in the afternoon.  It actually helped.  I felt good until I walked in the house and found a pile of dog vomit to clean up.  I had enough energy to unload the dishwasher, cut up some fruit for my husband (that I will not be eating), and get ready for my first CF Endurance class.

Those same feelings from the first time I walked into a CF Box last year came over me as I walked up to the doors.  Excited and nervous.  I hope I don't puke in front of everyone.  Well I didn't puke, but I did fall to the floor the second the 40 minute time was up.  The WOD was an endurance version of Annie with 400 meter runs mixed in.  I have to admit that this is what I was looking to do with my endurance.  It is a little mix up of running and CF.  I am pretty excited to see where this program will get me to in the next 4 weeks.

I am nervous about tomorrow.  Reading over some blogs and FB posts from people that have done this detox before it sounds like most of them struggled days 3-8.  I am going to prepare myself for a successful day tomorrow and remember that this is to better myself.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 1 and Hero WOD, What Have I Done?!

Sugar Detox Day 1:
Woke up late so had to eat hard boiled eggs in the car on the way to work.  Not the best start to the day.  Good thing I packed my lunch the night before.  I took coconut milk in a little container to add to my coffee at the office.  The coffee helped me regain my focus and get into the swing of the day.  I had some nuts and jerky on my hour long drive to my first appointment.
For lunch I had a big hamburger salad with olive oil and lemon as the dressing.  It was really yummy.  I felt very satisfied.  When I got off work I ate my 1 green apple for the day.  I am not really a fan of the tart taste of the apples.  Not sure if they are really going to satisfy me much.  I may need to switch to the green tipped banana next week.
I completely hit a wall about 5pm tonight.  Not good considering I planned on CrossFit at 6:30.  I drank my 8oz of kombucha and ate a Savory biscuit from the 21 day detox recipes.
When I got to the gym I looked at the White Board and thought "what have I gotten myself into today?".  I realized that on Day #1 of this, I was going to have a Hero WOD (Cameron) to complete!  This came with all the bells and whistles including triple unders and 2 for 1 wall balls.
Well one of my goals for this detox was better focus in the gym and this was my first test.  Tonight I may not have been able to complete the triple unders, but I got my VERY FIRST double unders.  I got all 25 of them too.  I completed the 2 for 1 wall balls with a light weight only 8lbs, but I did all 25.  I also had my very first 20 inch box jump and I completed 50 of these.
I think that a Hero WOD was just what I needed tonight to really make this day a success for me.  I CAN do this!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ready, Set, 21 Day DETOX!

I spent my day relaxing, packing up my meals for tomorrow, hard boiling some eggs, and stuffing myself with foods that I fear I will miss the most.  In eating a few chocolate kisses I realized that the diet drinks that I have daily will be what gives me the most trouble.  I am used to drinking at least one if not two a day.  I have been chronically dehydrated most of my adult life, chapped lips, and dry skin.  So I am hoping that transitioning myself during this to green tea and water only will help me.

My lunchbox is packed and I am in the right mindset that this is going to be a wonderful journey to becoming a healthier version of myself and help me to rid my life of some of the things that I have been wanting to give up for some time now.  I will be able to stick to a stricter Paleo diet that will allow me to have better health and better performance in the gym and with running.

I may need help from some of you in the next few days to remind me of the positives of what I am doing for myself here.  When I awake in the morning I will be prepared to take on the challenges of Day 1.  Stay tuned....

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Preparing for 21 Day Sugar Detox

Hi my name is Becky, and I am addicted to sugar.  This is something that I hope many of you do not share in common with me.  However, many Americans do share this with me.  We are a nation addicted to sugar.  It is hidden in almost all of our prepared foods that we consume.  It is the reason we want to consume more of those foods.  Even being on a paleo style diet for the last good half of a year, I am still struggling with sugar cravings.  I rely heavily on "paleo treats" and on my cheat meals or days I consume chocolate, candy, and  GF treats.
How do I reset myself?  How do I stop these cravings?  Will I always be a sugar junkie?  I was directed to the website:http://balancedbites.com/category/21-day-sugar-detox by a friend.  (Thank you Julie)
I found the entire 21 day plan to help me detox my body from the sugars I am craving.  It includes recipes and tips, along with daily motivational emails.

This weekend is preparation for the upcoming first week of the detox.  April 1st is Detox Day.  I have decided to commit to this like nothing I have ever done before.  I am cooking up recipes, making snacks, and brewing green tea to help keep me on track and never wondering what to eat.
A few things I will be trying this week include:  homemade beef jerky, bacon wrapped chicken legs, savory muffins, garlic dill carrots and zucchini, almonds, and burgers with onions.  Along with 1 green apple per day.

I am attempting to break this down into smaller sections and look at this as weekly.  That way I can set myself up for a successful week each weekend.  A few of my goals with this program are:  to help me not crave sugar, better focus at work and in the gym, better sleep, and clearing up my skin.  I will be posting blogs regularly on how this program is going for me.  Please support me and cheer me on as I start my 21 day journey of getting sugar out of my regular diet!

Monday, March 25, 2013

It's All About You.

While lifting heavy stuff off the ground (power cleans) and throwing myself on the floor with the sole intent of getting up as quickly as possible to then jump over a 20 inch box (burpee box jumps) I had a thought.   Conventional Wisdom Sucks! 

For anyone that has heard the comments that you are not supposed to lift weight that heavy.  Or eating like that is cannot be healthy for you.  Or that spending money on eating locally, from a responsible and sustainable farm, and organically is a weird.  I am here to stand up and say that this is happiness and health for me.  I like being strong and lifting heavy weights.  I am proud that I power cleaned 85lbs 5 times tonight.  I enjoy going to farmers' markets and knowing where my food comes from and that I am eating meat that is humanly raised, along with veggies and fruit that are not genetically modified with ridiculous crap.  Who in the world wants to eat a tomato that has fish DNA in it?  There are many people that follow Conventional Wisdom and do not understand.  Don't waste your energy on these people in your life.  It is exhausting.  If someone cares for you, they don't have to understand it, just support your decisions.

My life has become richer and fuller.  I am stronger than ever.  I have never enjoyed my food like I do now.  I am currently taking in ZERO medications for my allergies that in the past have rendered me helpless without them, but then had side effects to deal with.  This is living folks!  

Conventional Wisdom would be telling me that none of this is possible.  I am saying that all of these things work for me.  No judgement.  Do what is best for you!  Stay positive!  And  B.E. Happy!

Monday, March 11, 2013

All the Changes Equal a Life I Could Only Dream Of!

We all have our own "AH HA" moments.  Mine came last April when I decided to smoke my last Marlboro Light cigarette and to never touch them again.  That was the day that catapulted me into a lifestyle of CrossFit, running, and Paleo.  All of which I told my husband numerous times that I would never do.  I never dreamed that I would be someone that anyone would ever ask diet or exercise advice from, want to go running with, or tell me I inspired them in any way.  I feel so blessed to be living a happier and healthier life for myself and my family.  I feel even more blessed that people have joined me in my quest to be happy and healthy and have given me so much encouragement along the way.  Thank you all for helping me stay focused and successful.

Some changes were big, some changes were small, but all of them have equalled to a life that I could only dream of having a year ago.  I go to bed every night thankful for all of the successes and blessings.

My most recent set backs of sciatica for almost 2 months and this Thyrotoxicosis that I have been dealing with seem to be under control again.  I am back in the gym and signed up for my first 5K of the year for St. Patty's Day.  I am also following a new paleo diet plan that removed some of my staple foods, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, to name a few.  This was scary for me and I was nervous about it, but I am getting used to eating different veggies and really enjoying eating more berries.  It has decreased my resting heart rate and the weird hot flashes with excessive sweating have disappeared.  I have two more months before I will be tested to see if this is really helping, but so far, so good.

I may have a little case of cabin fever too because I am also excited that we are only 8 weeks away from our new CSA pick ups!  I cannot wait to have fresh, local food.  I am also working on the plans for my herb garden so that we can have fresh herbs in the backyard.  Spring can't come quick enough!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

In the kitchen, some good clean recipes!

Due to my many health related issues that I have been having lately, I have been unable to workout.  So instead I have been in the kitchen brushing up on my skills at cooking.  I am going to post a few of my favorites that I have tried recently.  

Apple  Streusel Egg Muffins (from Practical Paleo)

  • 3 large green apples, chopped into 1/2 inch pieces (approximately 2 cups) – peeled if you like
  • 3 tablespoons warm water
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon, divided
  • 9 eggs
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons butter or coconut oil (to make it dairy-free), melted
  • 3 tablespoons coconut milk
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons coconut flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • Preheat oven to 350F.
  • In a medium skillet, sautĆ©e the apples, water, and 1 1/2 teaspoon of the cinnamon until the apples are the consistency of chunky applesauce or apple pie filling. Allow the mixture to cool before combining with the egg mixture.
  • In a medium-sized mixing bowl, whisk the eggs, butter, coconut milk, coconut flour, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, baking soda, and salt until well combined. Add the cooled apples, reserving 1/4 cup for a garnish.
  • Spoon egg and apple mixture into parchment cup lined muffin tins—1/4 cup each. Gently spoon about one teaspoon of the remaining apple mixture onto the top of each muffin.
  • Bake for 40 minutes.
Bora Bora Fireballs
Prep 10 min | Cook 30 min | Makes about 42 meatballs
1 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
1/2 teaspoon plus 1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon plus 1 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
1 cup canned crushed pineapple, sugar-free, packed in its own juice
2 tablespoons coconut aminos
1 1/2 teaspoons dried ginger
3 cloves garlic, minced (about 1 tablespoon)
3-4 scallions, white and green, very thinly sliced (about 1/4 cup)
1/2 fresh jalapeƱo, seeds and ribs removed, finely minced (about 2 teaspoons)
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 pounds ground pork
Directions:1. Preheat the oven to 375 F. Cover a large baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat, then add the coconut. Toast, stirring often with a wooden spoon, until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Remove from the heat and sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 3/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Set aside to cool.
2. Drain the cup of canned pineapple in a sieve placed over a bowl to catch the juice. Press the pineapple pulp against the sieve with a wooden spoon to extract the excess moisture. Place the pineapple in a large mixing bowl and save the juice for later.
3. To the pineapple, add 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cayenne, coconut aminos, ginger, garlic, scallions, jalapeƱo, and eggs. Beat with a wooden spoon until combined. With your hands, crumble the pork into the bowl and knead until all of the ingredients are incorporated.
4. Arrange the bowls of pineapple juice, spiced coconut, and seasoned pork for easy access. Measure a level tablespoon of pork to make a meatball, lightly douse it in the pineapple juice, then roll it in the coconut, pressing the coconut shreds into the meat by lightly rolling the ball between your palms. This is a rare case in which more isn’t better — don’t go too cuckoo with the coconut. Line up the meatballs on the prepared baking sheet, about 1/2 inch apart.
5. Slide the meatballs into the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes, until sizzling and golden brown. These taste great with Confetti Cauliflower and/or Sunshine Sauce.

And my favorite to add to anything is Sweet and Spicy Sweet Potatoes.  Here's the link

This was a way for me to remember that 70% of health is made in the kitchen and only 30% is exercise.  So remember to have a good foundation with you food.  Good clean food makes for a healthier you!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Staying in Control

A little slide backwards over the last few weeks.  I have been having trouble sleeping, heart palpitations, excessive sweating, and "female issues".  All of these things added up to a diagnosis of Thyrotoxicosis.  What this means is my thyroid gland is over producing the hormones.  I had always thought that it meant that I would loose a bunch of weight and loose my hair.  This is not always the case. There are many symptoms to hyperthyroidism.
I am sharing this because I am going through the process of additional testing to help me decide what the proper treatment will be for myself.  The testing should also conclude what is causing my thyroid gland to be overproducing the hormones.  I have been very lucky to have a group of physicians working with me that are willing to give me all of the treatment options, pros and cons to each of them, and then giving me the option to choose my treatment.  I get to stay in control.  I really like that.
We are very lucky to live in a time that we can jump on the internet and research our medical issues.  I have been able to do plenty of research.  The key is to know what the worst case may be, but to focus on the best case and start from there.
I am really having issues with the thoughts of going through iodine radiation treatments to kill my thyroid without attempting other options first.  It seems killing it is the most common treatment chosen.  I truly feel that I should try medication and dietary changes first.  So I have already began the dietary changes with a low sugar diet while waiting for the test results.  I took action and so that I can control of my own outcomes.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Breakthrough, Finally!

Breakthrough!  I have finally completed a WOD and felt good!

Tonights WOD consisted of plate snatches and up downs, suicide sprints and finished off with a 2k row.  This was one of the few workouts that I went through that I felt strong and competent.  I am hoping that this means I am finally getting more comfortable with my strength and my abilities.

I was able to even come home and eat the dinner that Uncle Cave Man (this is what our niece has dubbed my husband) made for us.  Steak, mangos, plantains, and baconado.  Pretty awesome paleo dinner to eat right after a great workout.

Check out the recipe page for One Skillet Squash and Sweet Potato Hash.  This is an great recipe to make ahead of time and just warm up for breakfast.  Throw an egg overtop of it if you have some extra time or need more protein.  ENJOY!    

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Crossfit is amazing...and burpees still suck

Tonight's lessons at Crossfit=Crossfit friends are motivators and will help you to do things that you never thought you could do, and burpees still suck.

Tonights workout was a deck of cards.  Each suit represented an exercise, squats, pushups, situps and burpees.  Our team of 3 had to complete all reps, the value of the card, before getting a new card from the trainer and moving on.  Our score was the total number of reps completed in a set time, 3 rounds.  Somehow my husband trainer gave us every card that represented the pushups and burpees in the deck.  Well maybe not, but that is what it felt like.  I also think he found a slight bit of pleasure as I choked back the vomit when he told us, "12 burpees" toward the end of the workout.

I joke about the WODs, but it is all worth every bit of sweat and effort that I put into Crossfit.  I walk out of the gym with a completely different attitude then when I walked in.  All of the stressors that have found their way into my day seem to disappear and I have a complete sense of accomplishment.  One of the mantras that I have hanging in my bathroom is, "My body is getting stronger every day."  This is how I have always wanted to live my life.

I don't know remember if I have shared this, so forgive me if this is a repeat.  I did try Crossfit about 6 years ago.  There was only one Box in Summit County and my husband would follow the WOD posted on the main site at the local YMCA.  I decided to try it with him, I made it through two workouts, puked my guts out and vowed to never do it again.  It has been 11 months from the time a friend talked me into trying Crossfit again and I stepped foot into a Box.  I truly feel that I am stronger and more confident in myself than I have ever been.  I feel very blessed tonight to be able to call Crossfit Utility my Box.

Monday, February 4, 2013

10K Training is Under Way

The lovely smell of bacon cooking for my Baconado may be the most lovely smell there is after my run today.  Today was the Day 1, Week 1 of Ease into a 10K.  Not too bad.  I felt pretty strong today and it breaks up the monotony of treadmill running.  This is a 10 week program so I will be finishing up around the time that the weather breaks here in NorthEast Ohio and I can start running outside again.  I have been checking out races for 2013 and trying to decide which ones I want to sign up for.  I am so excited that the Winter is half over and Spring is right around the corner.

This weeks food includes Golden Cauliflower Soup, Sweet Potato/Squash Hash, Dill Veggies, Lemon Rosemary Salmon, Turkey Legs, Mango-Plantain Steak and tonights Bacon mashed into avocado (one of my favs).  I found the hash especially nice for breakfast, as I just have to heat it.  No morning cooking.  I have all of these recipes "Pinned" under Paleo Food.  I will add them to the blog this week.  I will also be making bone broth out of the turkey thighs/legs this week in the crock pot.  I am super excited as this is the first time I will be attempting making my own broth.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Diet, Questions, and Books

This week I am having issues with hunger.  I am finding that I am incredibly hungry at the end of my workday.  This is not a good thing because I workout in the evening.  I cannot eat an entire meal before going to the gym without it ending up on the gym floor.  So, for next week my focus will be on getting in the fat and protein earlier in my day and hopefully this will help the hunger pangs from creeping up on me at 4pm.
I have had a few questions via my Facebook account and I thought some of them were worth sharing here.  This is in no way professional medical advice-this is just what I have found to work for me.  Also, if I endorse a product I am not getting paid in anyway for it.  I have just found that the product works for my lifestyle and helps me.

1.  Digestive issues with switching to Paleo is common, usually constipation.
Most Americans' are deficient in Magnesium.  I have found a product called Natural Calm.  I get mine at Earth Fare Markets or Seven Grains, but I am sure it is available in many stores and also through this link to Amazon.  My favorite flavor is the orange.  
You can also attempt to absorb Magnesium through the skin via Epsom Salt baths.  However, I have not found it to be as effective at helping digestion as the Natural Calm.  But it is nice to soothe sore muscles.

2.  Does everything have to be organic or local?  
This is my own personal opinion, I like to support the local economy so I choose to purchase local when I have the opportunity.  It is not necessary to do, just follow the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen lists to know what you should spend the extra money on and buy organic.
It is also good to eat antibiotic, hormone free meats.  I choose to also get the grassfed variety when it comes to my beef/bison.

3.  Is this a gluten free diet?
Yes.  This is free of all wheat products.  You may have them in moderation.  (I cannot due to my intolerance to it.)  However, if you follow the 80/20 rule you can absolutely have wheat as a "cheat meal".  It will not disrupt anything unless you have an intolerance to it. 

I am currently reading Primal Blueprint and I am waiting on my ordered book Practical Paleo to get here.  I am finding a love for educating myself on more of the medical "side-effects" that going Paleo has to offer.  Already, I experienced the dramatic change in my insulin and cholesterol.  So I am looking forward to really working hard to tweek my diet and see what other benefits I will have.